Friday, August 26, 2011

Chance Of A Lifetime

Many people are denied opportunities because others deny them chances.

When I say people, mainly I am referring to younger individuals; our leaders of tomorrow.

Giving young people chances lately has been an idea that has been close to my heart.

Recently, I have become a music manager out of Grand Rapids, Michigan called Young Stand Up Boys.

Young Stand Up Boys is a versatile group that does Hip Hop, R&B, and Pop music.

However, the group’s goals reach beyond becoming famous and wealthy even after their recent accomplishment of signing under Universal Records.

I have decided to manage this group, not because of the skills they have with music, but because of their passion to help others.

To many others looking outside in they just see another Hip Hop group.

People don’t know that Young Stand Up Boys stands for something positive.

They don’t know that the group is in the midst of creating two foundations to provide guidance to misguided youth and young single parents.

They don’t know that this group is not only fulfilling their dreams but also working hard to be able to give back to their communities.

Due to others such as the mothers of the group members, and myself giving Y.S.U.B a chance of a lifetime and believing in them they are inspired to do the same for others.

Unfortunately, this can’t be said about some other Hip Hop artist in the industry.

We all have to give people chances of their lifetime because it truly makes a difference.

This isn’t only the case within the field of music; this is the case in any profession.

If you are a doctor, just by allowing a younger individual shadow you for a day who knows what inspiration, you may give to this young person.

If you are a teacher and you talk to a younger individual about your daily schedule, who knows what interest you may spark.

We all have to provide these chances to raise successful people who are encouraged to pass the chances of a lifetime down.

People, we have to remember that there once was someone who provided us with these chances for these opportunities as well; so let’s give back and do the same.

We need more pastors, positive Hip Hop artists, doctors, and lawyers in the world.

We need more construction workers, police officers, and stockbrokers in the world.

Lets continue to create these chances.

I want to give a special thanks to Linda Clanton and Darlena McKinnon.

One for the week:
“In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling.”
Exodus 15:13

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Humble Heart

Success is great, but success has the capability to transform the lives of people.

For some reason many people forget the meaning of being humble when success alters the way they live.

Success may bring nice cars, but success doesn’t mean a person needs a car for every day of the week.

Success may bring lavish houses, but it doesn’t mean a person needs a house in 3 different area codes.

Being humble is what keeps a person blessed and successful.

Not once did Jesus ever boost about his gifts and talents.

Not once did He ever brag about his capabilities to heal the weak and bless those in need.

It’s difficult to get anywhere in life when people live on pedestals and believe they are on higher levels then everyone else.

It must be difficult to live life when people forget how to be humble.

Without the ability to be humble, what does success mater?

Success doesn’t mean a thing when a person has no one to Humble Heart share it with.

Success is pointless when a person is separated and alone in the world from forgetting to be humble.

Just because someone’s bank account may increase doesn’t mean they have to change with it.

Just because they crowd you hang around changes, doesn’t mean you have to forget about your old friends.

One lesson I had to learn and one piece of advice that I would like to share with others is just because success comes your way doesn’t mean that a person has to alter their entire lifestyle.

People please don’t get what one of my mentors would call big – headed; just live life and have fun.

One for the week: Genuine people help others out of the goodness of their hearts like Jesus did, and in return don’t need recognition.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Missing Report

After the events I witnessed just the other day outside of my house, I have no choice but to want to file a missing persons report.

I want to file a missing persons report because it seems that not only are many concerned parents missing, the number seems to have significantly decreased.

I say this because yesterday I didn’t see any concerned parents when 12 girls were brutally beating one girl in the middle of the street in the middle of on going traffic.

Some housemates and I were trying to break it up but I didn’t see any parents.

The whole time when all of this was happening, I wondered, “Where are the parents of the 15-year old girl who was beating her victim with a belt?”

I was wondering, “Where are the parents of that teenage girl who was ripping hair out of the head of her victim? Where were the parents of the girl who continuously yelled out derogatory terms? Where were these girl’s parents? Why were these girls acting like street thugs instead of the young ladies that I know they are capable of being?"

Accountability has to be placed somewhere because things are going terribly wrong with some of the youth within the inner city communities.

I want to file a missing report because unquestionably there are many concerned parents missing.

Someone should be there to inform these teens and other teens that there are other solutions besides fighting and shooting each other.

Someone should tell them that they have been deceived as well – that whenever they think it’s gangster to out number someone, they should re-evaluate their personal definition of gangster, because that is far from it.

Gangster is being the bigger individual who actually assesses an issue before getting physical.

Gangster is handling your own; if you have a problem with a person then you go talk it over with that person by yourself, you don’t bring your cousin Pookie, and your friend Rae Rae.

Jumping people only transforms little problems into bigger problems because everyone’s families get involved; and then what was once a little issue, becomes a never ending story.

Concerned parents if you aren’t missing, you should inform your children of these things.

I don’t only feel sorry for the girl who was beaten yesterday, I feel sorry for all of the girls.

Missing reports need to go out to a majority of their parents.

I’m not going to say all of their parents are missing because that’s not the case.

I say to all parents – become aware of what your children are involved in.

One for the week: Psalm 7:4 – “If I have done evil to him who is at peace with me or without cause have robbed my foe then let my enemy pursue and overtake me.”

Friday, July 15, 2011

Fast Lane

After being caught in a traffic jam a few days ago on the expressway many drivers became restless and frustrated.

They were frustrated about two things; first they knew that they weren’t going to reach their destinations on time, and, two, there were other cars driving slow in the fast lane.

The fast lane gives cars that feel the need to go fast the opportunity to do so.

However, when there is a driver going slow in the fast lane, fast drivers don’t have any choice but to go slow.

I believe that if you don’t want to go fast, and you feel comfortable going slow, then stay in the slow lane; don’t make everyone else move slow because going slow is your preference.

If you’re the type of person that wants to be grown but can’t handle responsibilities, then you shouldn’t be in the fast lane.

Don’t try to fool people and make them think that you are fast by going in the fast lane because most individuals will be able to see right through you.

It’s okay to drive in the slow; if you aren’t sure about some things in life, stay true to yourself.

From time to time I myself drive in the slow lane.

Some men need to get out of the fast lane when they tell women that they are a good father and they have some children that have never even seen their face.

Some women need to get out of the fast lane when they claim to be good mothers but won’t invest in their children’s education but will invest in $200 Gucci shoes.

Some teens need to get out of the fast lane when they take on adult responsibilities such as having children and can’t handle them.

There are plenty of people who shouldn’t be in the fast lane who are in it every day.

However, there are also plenty of people who are in the slow lane who need to turn their signals on and adventure to the fast lane.

We can’t be scared to make progress in life.

We also just can’t stay in the slow lane because we view it as a safe place to be.

Some people are scared to have children because they aren’t where they want to be financially.

What if you aren’t ever where you want to be, are you just going to miss out on the opportunity to have children?

Some people are scared to move out of the house with mom and dad where they have been secure for their entire lives.

How will you ever start your own family when you’re still being nurtured by your own?

We all have to choose which lane we are comfortable in but we also have to choose which lane we should be in.

One for the week: Don’t let anyone choose for you which lane you should be in, stand up and make that decision on your own!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


She is all alone; I wonder how many young men realize that?

I have seen her cry everlasting tears that will never leave her face.

I have seen her hold on to hope as if hope is her life support and only means to live.

She is all alone; I wonder how many men actually care?

I have seen her mother a child while waiting hours for a manly shadow to enter a dark and narrow doorway.

I have seen her resent her child – the blessing from God – because of her hate towards her child’s father.

Most of all, I have seen her disrespected in ways beyond anyone’s belief.

I have seen her alone.

Why is this woman alone; why is she left alone to raise a child by herself?

Why is this woman disrespected?

A woman should be shown the utmost respect if she respects her self.

A woman has the capability to do what any man can’t do and that is bringing life into this world.

A woman has the capability to do what’s mentioned previously and then some; so why is she left alone?

Why is she left to cry everlasting tears that will forever stain her beautiful face?

It upsets me to know that there are millions of women all over the world who are left alone.

For all of the fellas out there who left a woman alone, you all are missing out on blessings that will never be given back to you in life.

However, you’re sorry for telling her that you loved her, when knowing all along that you didn’t know how to love in the first place.

You’re sorry for creating a baby with a woman and leaving another man to fill your shoes when it comes to fathering.

You’re sorry for leaving one of the greatest creations from God all alone.

This goes out to all of the women who are alone today and to all of the women who have been alone for years.

I dedicate this to a strong woman who is all alone; a woman whom I have seen shed tears, recently.

I just want to let you know that you are not alone, and you never will be.

One for the week: The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Genesis 2:18

Saturday, July 2, 2011

No Value

It’s no secret that America is in serious debt.

Some fear that soon our currency will be meaningless; it won’t have any value.

My thought is that if we are in jeopardy of being trapped in an everlasting debt, what does that mean for civilians all over the world?

There is no doubt that everything would drastically change.

If money were to have no value, then everyone would have the same social status.

No longer would there be CEOs of companies making salaries of $600,000 while the salary of a common individual remains at $30,000 yearly.

No longer would people have lavish things to flaunt to the rest of the world.

Everyone would have similar houses, similar cars, and similar jobs.

Could we all live in a world where everyone is on the same level?

What will happen when people finally realize that money doesn’t rule the world and at the end of the day God is ruler over all?

What will happen when there are no longer superior and inferior groups of people?

Where would we be left once we discover that money has no value?

We would be stripped of all materialistic things just as Jonah was to obtain clear visions of God having authority over all.

America being in debt can be a wake up call for us all.

However, before our country was in so much debt, we all should have had the capability to take value away from money.

Today, if God were to come to me and tell me Marcel get rid of the shiny rims on your car in order to see me more clearly, I would do it without thinking twice.

If God were to tell me, Marcel, get rid of all the sneakers you love so much in order to see me more clearly than I would do it.

We should all like our materialistic items, but we shouldn’t be in love with them in a way to where we place a higher value then what we place on God.

One for the week-Proverbs 8:10: Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Attack Of Obesity

People crack jokes about individuals who are overweight; but, in all reality, many of people in the U.S. are overweight and just don’t realize it.

Unfortunately, a majority of us face obesity because we aren’t active and we eat over our daily portions.

As an American citizen myself, I believe it’s safe to say that many Americans shift their attention on so much other worldly issues that we have the tendency of forgetting about the importance of our health.

Society doesn’t seem to help this issue. Instead, many communities should be at fault for the increasing number of obesity victims each year.

In my community alone, there are 5 fast food restaurants that are within less of a 5 - mile radius from each other.

I have noticed that this is only the case in inner city neighborhoods.

The fact that many fast food restaurants are placed within inner city communities should raise questions about what statements are being made.

What demographic of people and what social classes are fast food chain restaurants targeting?

Are a majority of the fast food restaurants placed in the inner city because inner city residents don’t manage their money well when it comes to fast food?

Are fast food restaurants placed in the inner city communities because people in the inner city are attracted to and love fat and greasy foods?

Whatever the case may be, we can’t be blind to the fact that obesity is a growing epidemic.

We have to think about the amount of calories we are consuming on a day - to - day basis when we visit McDonald’s and Burger King frequently.

We have to hold ourselves accountable for having appropriate diets to maintain our bodies’ health.

Sadly, we are killing ourselves and we don’t even realize it.

We can’t sit on our front porches and let the days pass us by without some type of physical activity.

God gave us our bodies as gifts and we should take care of them.

One for the week - Psalm 16:9: Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Crop The Image

Millions of people take photos everyday and decide upon which ones are worth placing in photo albums.

There are reasons for some photos making the cut of being in albums and reasons that some photos do not.

Some photos might not make the cut because they have a glare in them.

Some photos are not placed in an album because they are duplicates.

There may be thousands of reasons that some photos are chosen and some aren’t.

I understand that not everyone is familiar with computer software that alters photos; but most people should become familiar with the phrase, “crop the image.”

Our actions are what others remember vividly, and our actions are among the photos that do make the cut for the photo album.

Others are like to remember the drinking and the careless actions that came with it.

Some people will remember your dancing and exposing your body to collect money from men and women.

While other people will remember the blunt in your mouth and the gun in your hand.

Or they might remember the time you raised your hand to inflict pain on a Or what about the time you couldn’t count on one hand, the number of sex partners you have been with.

People don’t have to remember anything we all just have to learn how to crop the image; we all have to learn how to change.

We don’t wan tour kids to open our photo albums and see our before images.

We want then and others to see our cropped images; we want to showcase the progress of our change.

We can’t keep allowing young folks to see us as un-cropped images; because if we do, they will think that it’s acceptable to place the same images in their photo albums.

One for the week: “Respect yourself and others in return will respect you.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Trick Of All Trades

A mind is a terrible thing to waste according to the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

This statement that was once made by the great leader is one that is brought to life through many people today.

Yes, there are many people who take education for granted, but there are also many people who appreciate the right of having an education and go above and beyond.

There are individuals who spend large portions of their lives achieving their goals of attaining many academic degrees.

There are people who devote hours and hours to receiving an education in order to secure a certain status within society.

Different people strive for higher levels of an education for various reasons; but will higher levels of education always ensure people the stable incomes they need to survive and provide for their families?

Sadly, in the recession of our economy, stable incomes aren’t really promised to anyone and because of this people have to learn what the trick of all trades is.

The trick of all trades is what most people identify as a hustle.

I’m not referring to the practice of illegal hustles such as drug dealing and prostitution.

When I talk about the trick of all trades, I am referring to people having the ability to use the gifts that God has equipped them with to provide more income.

None of us should be afraid to showcase our talents, especially when they are blessings from God.

If God has blessed you with the ability to take words and create unbelievable rhyme schemes, then don’t hesitate to share poetry or lyrics with others.

If God has blessed you with the talent to dance, don’t be afraid to audition for shows or compete in dance competitions.

If God has blessed you with the talent to create remarkable art ,don’t be afraid to place a price tag on your hard work.

The time of getting by with one job is slowly coming to an end.

We all should learn about the trick of all trades and find out what are hustles are.

The point is that with all the talents that God has blessed us all with we all have no reason to fail even when there is a recession.

Just as Martin Luther King Jr. stated that a mind is a terrible thing to waste, I want to state that the talents that God blessed us all with are also terrible things to waste.

Such is the destiny of all who forget God; so perishes the hope of the godless. Job 8:13

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Power In Decisions

Everyday all of us make decisions that we are pleased with and decisions that we regret.

Some of these decisions are minor; many of them are major with long lists of consequences.

For instance, if President Obama decides to go to war tomorrow with another country, we all would be potentially affected by his decision.

When making decisions, I believe that it’s important to remember that we not only have to look out and have discernment to protect ourselves; we also have to look out for others.

This week I want to inspire individuals throughout the inner city streets in which I live and have lived my entire life.

I want to direct my inner city peers into having the right perspectives when it comes to making decisions.

For example, why are some of us making the decisions to place so much money into buying new cars and purchasing cosmetic things for cars when our houses are in need of so much improvement?

Due to this decision, our children don’t have a safe environment to live in.

Why are many of us putting so much money towards designer clothing for our kids and not placing a dime into their education?

Due to this decision, our children are fly but they remain illiterate.

Why are some of us going out each weekend and throwing away so much money?

Due to this decision, our children are left with no college funds.

People we have to make the right decisions.

I’m not suggesting that we shouldn’t enjoy life.

I’m saying that we have to be mindful of others because the decisions we make affect them.

Words of wisdom for the week: Be wise in your decisions.

Friday, May 20, 2011

New Mission

It is that time of year summer is here once again.

The birds are chirping, the sun is shinning, and it is beginning to get a lot warmer outside.

Because it is getting close to summer, we are all due for a public service announcement: Parents please don’t set your kids free and just allow them to do anything and everything during this time of the year.

I know that it’s so easy to say since my child is out of school I can take a break from my parenting duties for three months.

However, not being a parent for three months can cause a lifetime of failure for some children.

Parenting is a job, and it isn’t easy.

Realistically at a job, if a person decides to take a twenty minute break and everyone else continues to work, this person will be left behind to play catch up – resulting in slow production for his/her company.

Children are the same way.

Once people stop supporting them and stimulating their minds with academic tasks, the progress they make throughout the school year begins to diminish.

When it comes time to file taxes each year in order to receive tax refund checks, people don’t have a problem with finding motivation to do that.

The same motivation we all have to get out and figure out what we need to do for our taxes is the same motivation that we all need to encourage us to get out and figure out what we need to do for our children this summer.

Some people don’t view their children as investments.

However, children are investments.

Older generations need to realize that we are bringing up leaders of tomorrow.

We need to realize that we have the opportunity to raise little soldiers of God; and it’s sad that we aren’t taking advantage of this opportunity.

There are plenty of programs hosted by schools, churches, and non - profit organizations for all children this summer.

These are programs that are informing all that none of us have to set out on this mission alone with our children.

What’s really a shame is that some of these programs are free and some people still don’t have their kids enrolled in them.

“All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Stop It!

Bin Laden is dead.

Bin Laden is dead has been the latest news craze all over the Internet and through media sources on television.

Why are people devoting so much attention to the death of someone?

I understand that the Osama bin Laden made bad choices as a person and inflicted pain upon others; but why are we all glorifying his death?

Judging him for his transgressions should be a task for God to handle and it shouldn’t be a task for the rest of us to worry about.

Stop it: is what I want to shout because many of us are ignoring issues that should matter and glorifying things that don’t.

As an adolescent I was mischievous and I made some bad decisions.

One day I pulled my pants down and exposed myself on the school bus because someone dared me to do so.

There were consequences to my actions, and I was suspended from school for a few days.

Now, if my story of exposing myself is still the gossip of today, I would say stop it because that would be an example of people giving attention to a small event that doesn’t matter and ignoring worldly events that should be in the spotlight.

I would say stop it because world hunger should be on everyone’s mind.

I would say stop it because sex trafficking and child slavery should be on everyone’s mind.

I would say stop it because child abuse and domestic violence should be on everyone’s mind.

I would say stop it because saving the generations of tomorrow should be on everyone’s mind.

While we are spending weeks discussing Osama Bin Laden’s death like I know we will, there is going to be a young teen out there somewhere learning how to load a gun for the first time.

While we are spending months covering pointless stories, there is going to be young people in neighboring cities dying of starvation and suffering from neglect.

There is nothing wrong with being educated about worldly issues all I am saying is that we can’t forget to come back to our own back yards.

My words of advice to those who are so ecstatic about Osama Bin Laden’s death is, “Stop It!”

Redirect your focus on an issue that matters.

One for the week: But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice. Philippians 1:18

Monday, May 2, 2011

Throw a Beat On

After watching some of my old home videos with my friends and free styling to beats that we use to create by beat boxing, I realized how much I miss those beats.

I miss the time when we all use to circle up and share rhymes about experiences we were undergoing in life.

I miss it when somebody would throw a beat on.

Sure there were times when we would rap about each other and when we had battles.

However, at the end of each session, competitors would shake hands and go on about their day.

I miss the days when love was shown through music — when music was all about sharing stories with the world and an opportunity for artist to display their artistic abilities.

Some music today is like the music that I miss; but, unfortunately, a majority of it isn’t.

Many of the songs of today have nice beats, but the lyrics have no substance.

I miss Tupac “Keep Your Head Up” and “Dear Mama.”

I miss Nas “I Know I Can.”

I miss songs that had the capability to inspire listeners to want to better themselves — songs that inspired their listeners to place value on their lives.

Today I throw old beats on because I’m still waiting on new ones.

I don’t want my kids growing up listening to Wacka Flocka “Bustin at em” or “Hard In The Paint.”

I don’t want my kids to have to search for inspiration in Niki Minaj track “I Did it On ‘em”.

These are songs with great beats, but the beats aren’t anything if the lyrics mean nothing.

I’m not attacking the artist that provide the music because they are only making their living by providing listeners with what they want to hear.

I am saying that we all need to realize that we live in a misguided and troubled society when we believe that it is cute to film a two year old reciting all of the lyrics to a song that talks about shooting people.

We need to wake up, especially when we can no longer throw on a beat without it’s having negative connotations attached to it.

I miss the days that we people were able to just throw on a beat.

One for the week: Now write down this song and teach it to the Israelites and have them sing it, so that it may be a witness for me against them. Deuteronomy 31:19

Friday, April 22, 2011

Back To The Basics

For those of you who don’t already know my major is media production; and one of the tasks that I slightly despise as a production student is editing.

Recently, I have had a project that required more than 16 hours of editing time.

Each time that I thought that I was completely done with the project, something would show up as being wrong.

I couldn’t figure out what the problem was until I directed my attention back to the very beginning.

I discovered one problem that had thrown off the entire timeline of the project.

Although, this project caused much frustration for me, it helped me realize that sometimes when people experience errors in life we need to take it back to the basics.

Sometimes when things are going really well for people and they hit rock bottom, many are left clueless on how to get back up again.

Many are left clueless because they Back To The Basics forget to go back to the basics.

People forget to revert back to the time when they didn’t have much.

Some get so wrapped up in their accomplishments that they lose the capability to remember when they experienced a rough beginning.

A majority of individuals also forget that once you are so far up, there is only one direction to go and that is right back down.

A friend of mine shared with me that valuable advice of remaining humble, no matter what your status is.

By staying humble, people recognize that they are capable of making mistakes no matter what there status may be.

This is a good thing because instead of continuing to make the same mistakes, people can adventure back to the beginning and fix mistakes before they have the chance to grow into bigger problems.

One for the week: "My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle, and they come to an end without hope." Job 7:6

Friday, April 15, 2011

Cupid’s Arrow Is Broken

Over my years of evolving as a young adult, I have experienced good relationships, bad relationships, and relationships that were destined to fail upon their beginnings.

All of these relationships are what I identify as results of Cupid’s broken arrow.

Although, my relations from the past with other women didn’t work out, I am thankful for Cupid’s broken arrow.

This arrow helped me grow and construct the being that I am today.

This arrow helped me develop discernment.

This arrow gave me the tools I needed to find the one — my soul mate, my everything, and Mrs. Right.

None of us are perfect; we live and we learn. This is exactly what Cupid’s broken arrow did for me and helped me learn a valuable lesson — everything isn’t always what it seems to be and our plans that we have for our lives are in God’s hands.

My advice to everyone who is currently dating others is to not force relationships that aren’t meant to be because what’s not meant to be is done by Cupids broken arrow and what’s meant to be is done by the hands of God.

It took me a while to learn this lesson, but now that I am married with the love of my life I realize that it is real talk.

So many people force themselves into broken relationships and forget that there is a reason for everything, which could be that God has something better for you down the line.

I’ve known people to cry over relationships ending, and even go as far as harming themselves over relationships that don’t work out. I believe it’s because they forget that it’s not up to us to decide who we share our lives with.

I usually don’t play Dr. Love, but this week I had a good reason to.

God blessed me with a beautiful wife, and I have come to realize that he blesses everyone with somebody.

Don’t be discouraged by cupid’s broken arrow just wait for Gods hands.

One for the week: But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. Psalm 13:5

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Captivity or Freedom

The truth will set you free is something that took me a while to understand.

Life isn’t easy when a person finds him or herself constantly living behind a lie.

When people that live behind a lie are choosing to incarcerate themselves.

When I was living behind lies, the advice that I received from others around me was to get out of captivity; this is the same advice that I would like to share with some individuals that may be facing this same problem.

People living a lifestyle that they aren’t proud should take the first step – to acknowledge that he or she is making some mistakes.

The truth will set you free.

We are all human and none of us are perfect.

If we acknowledge that we make mistakes, we can’t worry about what our families and friends may think because the longer we live behind our lies the longer the time that we stay incarcerated.

As my personal testimony, I recently got out of captivity and I want you all out with me.

If you slang drugs and you’re tired of the risky occupation, then quit living behind your lie and get some help.

If you need a lie from drugs to get through your daily routines and you want to experience a natural high then get from behind your lie and seek some help.

If you have been using your body as an attraction device to get members of the opposite sex to display love and affection to you, it’s not too late to get out of captivity.

God blessed us all with many features that exceed beyond our physical appearances.

We all have to be real with ourselves.

If we are aware that we aren’t happy with our lifestyles, then we have to stand up and get help when we are tired of living behind lies.

This article is for everyone, but I want to direct it towards my younger people because it’s going to be a hot summer this year.

As young people, we all have decisions to make –stay in captivity and witness our friends fall to bullets and drugs, or we change ourselves to encourage others to change.

One for the week: “Then the woman said to Elijah, “Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the LORD from your mouth is the truth.”(1 Kings 17:24).


I’m sure that we all ponder about memories that we would like to hold onto forever – times that we wish we could relive.

Some of us forget that these times are memories for a reason, and they are meant to stay in the past.

If we don’t let go of the past, we aren’t able to thank God for present and future blessings.

The past is good, but we have to let go to make the future better.

This applies to good and bad memories.

For example, if a person made choices in his or her previous years that he or she isn’t proud of, he or she shouldn’t allow the past to past to hinder them from accomplishing goals in the future.

If in the past I choose to only obtained my high school diploma and now in the present I want to further my education I’m not going to create endless excuses as to why I am not capable of doing so.

If in the past I made choices to participate in illegal activity and now I have the desire to be an activist leader for troubled youth, I’m not going to allow my past to hinder me from doing so.

The past is the past for a reason and we all have to remember that.

This applies to good memories as well.

We all can’t harp on the past because the future filled with opportunities will pass us by.

God blesses us all, and sometimes the past stops us from realizing this.

We think about how we didn’t have sufficient income in the past.

We think about how we were hurt by a past significant other.

We ponder about things we could have done instead of changing things now.

To be successful, many of us have to stop rewinding to the what ifs and could have beens.

We should all strive to make to best out of our current situations.

One for the week: Moses said to the LORD, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.” Exodus 4:10

Saturday, March 19, 2011

We Plan, He Plans

For years I have had a specific plan for my life, and I am sure there are other people who can say the same thing for theirs.

I planned to finish college and land a job that involves me doing something that I enjoy doing that generates a lot of income.

In better terms I had plans to become successful through a stress free journey.

By understanding the concept “we plan and God laughs” I’ve drawn up the conclusion that I was cheating myself when I wanted life to be a simple task.

Throughout my journey of finding success, God has strategically placed roadblocks in my path.

These roadblocks have slowed me down on my mission, but they have also made me a wiser and a stronger individual.

A dream or goal that’s not worth fighting for shouldn’t be a dream at all.

If something that a person wants badly is at easy access, then that person should wonder if that something that he or she wanted was meant for him or her.

As I was growing up, my parents taught me a valuable lesson — everything that I wanted to own I had to work for it; nothing in life should just be given to me.

In some way I believe that God tries to teach us all a similar lesson.

We can’t make specific plans for life and get angry when they are altered a little bit by God’s vision for each of us.

There maybe someone out there who is meant to become a successful lawyer, someone that God gives the blessing of a child to.

God isn’t telling you to stop your mission. He is just telling you that you now have to work harder.

There may be a struggling artist or actor out there that hasn’t had luck with finding jobs.

This doesn’t mean you aren’t meant to be an entertainer; God maybe telling you that you are looking in the wrong places.

We can’t give up when are agenda are changed because it is God’s way of telling us that he has something better in store for us.

One for the week: A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense. Proverbs 19:11

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Play Me

In the history of music there has only been a few CDs that have been good enough to be played in entirety.

There are other CDs that would have only three good songs and there would be some that would have only one.

Well, I want people to play me like a good CD.

I want to speak out for the people that are too afraid to voice their opinions.

I want to speak out against injustice issues.

I want to be the CD that is able to play over and over again and I want other CDs in the disc changer with me.

I know I probably won’t get more plays than Niki Minaj or Wocka Flocka Flame.

I know I probably won’t hit the billboard charts like Kanye West or Lady Gaga; but that doesn’t matter to me.

What matters is that others and I are heard.

Too many good CDs aren’t being played enough.

It seems like they are only played after something tragic happens, and then they are thrown out of windows again.

This is a problem because by not recycling good CDs, no one is keeping good messages alive.

I want to be played everyday all day, and I know that there are others that feel the same exact way.

I feel that some believe that because people aren’t facing the same turmoils as they did in the past, they don’t have to speak out.

However, I also believe that this is where people are mistaken.

We do face the same turmoil; we are just in a different time.

I want somebody to play me.

I want to maintain a spot in the disc changer.

It’s 2011, but there is still an abundance amount of work that needs to be done.

One for the week:

“A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.” Proverbs 19:11

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Outlet With No Power Source

In order to run some of our favorite electrical appliances, we must have the proper power source.

A person cannot plug an appliance into an outlet that doesn’t have a power source and expect it to work.

I am not educated on the topic of electricity, and I am not familiar with the logistics of the duties of an electrician.

However, I am knowledgeable enough to know that an outlet with no power source has no capability to work.

In today’s society with the privileges and opportunities that people have there shouldn’t be any non - operating outlets.

There shouldn’t be people who are left without the proper knowledge needed to pursue goals and life- long dreams.

These individuals who can be identified as the non-working outlets shouldn’t exist because our world should be saturated with electricians who are ready to work.

Although I am using the term electrician to symbolize a devoted individual, this article shouldn’t be viewed as being foreign to anyone.

From the time of being an adolescent to the time of becoming a grown man I must admit that there has been great improvement when it comes to the idea of success within minority communities.

Sadly, there are still people left without the source of power.

There are young people who choose to throw away their gifts and talents and run to the act of violence because they don’t obtain knowledge for other avenues.

There are people who run to drugs because they don’t have mentors who may have gone through similar issues to provide wisdom to steer them in an opposite directions.

There are people who only get the opportunity to experience their dreams for a short amount of time because of poor money management.

Then there are people who are left to only dream because they lack the leader they need in their life to show them how to properly showcase their talents.

This week as I thought of the many non-working outlets we have within our minority communities, I wanted to give these outlets some source of power; some sense of hope.

There are electricians out there, there are individuals that are ready to give you a source of power.

There are individuals ready to help they just need to know who to help.

It takes effort from both ends, people with no power source need to speak up and the electricians need to reach out.

One for the week:
Ecclesiastes 7:8 The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine’s Day

On Valentine’s Day many people choose to spend time with their significant others.

Some may go to fancy restaurants or out to various different romantic outings.

This Valentine’s Day I want to do something different; I want to give out roses to women around the world.

This Valentine’s Day I want to apologize to my girl because I want to give flowers to some women around the world.

I want to give a rose to the girl who tries to eat away her issues.

No longer should she have to be consoled by Kleenex and tissues.

I want to give a rose to the girl who is constantly beaten by her boyfriend.

I want to let her know that she is special and the nonsense she is in should come to an end.

I want to give a rose to the girl who has no value for life.

I want to give a rose to the girl that believes that in order to be loved she has to be every man’s lover instead of one man’s wife.

I want to give a rose to the girl that was taken advantage of, and I want this rose to be the representative of authentic love.

I want to give a rose to the girl that’s thinking about taking her life; this rose should tell her that God will help overcome her strife.

I want to give a rose to my mother Mrs. Oascette Hendler for guiding me throughout life.

I want to give a rose to Dr. Patricia Pulliam for proving an avenue for me when I was misguided.

I want to give a rose to my grandmother Dr. Barbra Gamble for being an unbelievable mentor.

I want to give a rose to Mrs. Sally Calloway for giving me great advice.

I want to give a rose to my aunts Yvette Gamble and Minette Gamble for always keeping things realistic with me.

I want to give a rose to my girlfriend Jessica Spearman for being so understanding and patient with me.

I want to give a rose to my grandmother Mrs. Doris Bordeux for keeping all of my articles and being one of my biggest fans.

I want to give a rose to my stepmother Angela Sharif for always showing me love.

This Valentine’s Day I have so many roses that I want to give out.

I want to close this article out with a Happy Valentine’s Day to all you readers!

One for the week: “…but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandment.” Deuteronomy 5:10

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Things We Don’t Talk About

We have a problem within society with not having enough courage to openly discuss issues that are imperative for us to be educated about.

One issue that is prevalent within today’s society is the issue of homosexual’s living undercover lives.

There are various different reasons to why some gay men choose to live double lives.

Statistics show that a majority of gay men who live on the “down low” are ashamed to be representatives of their sexual preferences.

To hide their secret lives from the greater population of society, these men take drastic measures such as getting married to straight women and some even go as far as having children with women.

The issue of men living on the down low is problematic but sadly is an issue that is swept under the rug.

According to writer David Alport the idea of gay men living double lives can be harmful in society because of the deadly disease of Aids.

Gay men under cover only add to the many ways of how the disease is spread.

Alport elaborates on the idea of the spread of aids by introducing a few different ways on how the spreading of aids has become the epidemic that it is today.

Men having sex with other men and rape in prison play a huge role in the epidemic.

However, gay men having sexual intercourse with women occurs so frequently that it is combative with the activity that happens in prison.

Alport stresses the importance of homosexuals taking ownership of their sexual preferences because the number of individuals that are affected by aids is growing rapidly.

How can we as a community put forth an effort to construct solutions for this issue?

Unquestionably, tackling this issue is not going to be an easy task.

We have to first reach out to try and understand each other, and realize that none of us have the authority to judge anyone.

We have men that are homosexuals that are afraid to be open about their sexual preference because they are heavily criticized by the rest of society.

Then there are people that don’t accept the homosexual community at all.

Nothing will be solved if we in all remain on two different wave lengths.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Polka Dots Among Stripes

The adolescents of today are the innovators of tomorrow.

This is an idea that we all must remember when we showcase our images to upcoming generations.

We should sit back and take the time to honestly think.

How much of what we call our time should be their time?

Unquestionably, without a lot of our knowing, there is a generational battle going on.

Everyone is heading for success. Sometimes, we step on others to get there.

Many of us are so concerned with being in the limelight and receiving our 15 minutes of fame that we don’t notice when there is a polka dot in stripes.

There are mothers too busy chasing the pretty boys down the block to notice that their children are failing miserably in school.

Some of these mothers are so involved in altering their images to attract the dope boys that run the block that they don’t realize when their children are crying out for help.

We also aren’t seeing the polka dots that are buried under the stripes.

Many individuals are fascinated by the concept of “getting on” and reaching stardom beyond the so-called American dream.

They are so captivated that they forget about things that are truly important in life.

What happens when they reach the top; what happens once they are on?

Do they come back to their hometowns to help the polka dots that are lost amongst the stripes?

Some so, but a majority of don’t.

We have to realize what could result if we leave the polka dots in stripes, if we leave younger individuals alone when they have no future aspirations.

If we continue to allow some youth to settle as being failures in life, then who will construct the blue prints for tomorrow?

We have to pull the polka dots out so that they may have a promising future.

We must remain dedicated to all of the children that need help and haven’t been discovered yet.

One for the week: In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed.

In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling. Exodus 15:13.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Family Ties

One saying that seems to never disappear is “blood is thicker than water”.

Usually when it comes to family, ties are strong and the action of being supportive is innate amongst family members.

For family, people typically go the extra mile to ensure safety for their loved ones.

For family, people sometimes do things that they don’t want to do to get loved ones where loved ones need to be.

With family, there is a bond created – the sort of bond that someone would only expect to see between family members.

However, some people have been having family ties without the necessity of their families.

Some people have ties with their car, but they forget a car isn’t capable in participating in a mutual relationship.

Some people have ties with their home, but they forget that a home is nothing without anyone to share it with.

The sort of family ties that have been really bothering me lately are the ties that some individuals lack the control to break.

We all are showing love to materialistic items that can’t show us love back.

One 17- year - old boy died today because of the family ties he had with the name brand of Coogi.

He loved Coogi so much that he would do anything to get the money to buy it.

One night he was found dead wearing his Coogi; Coogi couldn’t love him unconditionally.

Also most likely the creator of Coogi won’t be attending the young mans’ funeral.

It sounds ridiculous for us to be in love with things that can’t love us back so much into the point of our losing our lives or taking the lives of others.

It just makes me wonder what young man will be murdered because someone has family ties with the Air Jordans on his feet?

What teen girl today will be molested because an older man has family ties with her innocence?

When we decide to create family ties, we should all remember the saying that blood is thicker than water.

Real family is the blood, and everything else that we may idolize or yearn for is the water.

One for the week: “Blessed are you, Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the LORD? He is your shield and helper and your glorious sword. Your enemies will cower before you, and you will tread on their heights.” Deuteronomy 33:29

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Goodbye 2010

I know it has been a few weeks since we have all been blessed to see a new year, but I wanted to wait to publish this article for a very important reason As a ritual, whenever it’s a New Year there are millions of people that set New Year resolutions.

For the year of 2011, I wanted to be patient and become a witness to the various different resolutions of which I heard many.

In the year of 2011, I’m going to manage my weight and work hard to loose 100 pounds.

This year I’m going to do right by my kids and be a stronger parent.

This year I’m going to get out of debt by planning a weekly budget.

Every year millions of resolutions are set and millions also lack follow through.

We should all hold ourselves accountable to accomplish our goals.

The year of 2011 should be different; instead of speaking goals into existence, goals should be placed into existence.

2010 is behind us now so whatever was hindering us from accomplishing new things last year shouldn’t even be used as an excuse this year.

If constantly being broke was an issue last year, then fill out some applications and get a job this year.

If a dream is to further your education, then contact a school and check into setting up a
financial aid package.

If drugs were your outlet in 2010, then let the testimonies in Gods word become your outlet in 2011.

If negative people were the only kind of people that you were surrounded by last year, then surround yourself around some positive individuals this year.

2011 is the a new year so its time to place some new goals.

Don’t let 2011 be the twin of 2011; don’t say what your going to do and then fail to do

Yes, there are going to be obstacles that stop us along the way from getting where we want to be.

These are only challenges to test us to see if we really want to accomplish our goals or no.

If getting where you want to be is an easy mission, then maybe where you want to be isn’t where you should be at all.

One for the week: “For a long time now—to this very day—you have not deserted your fellow Israelites but have carried out the mission the LORD your God gave you”. Joshua 22:3

Monday, January 10, 2011

Jesus: My Home Boy

Everyone has friends that come and go.

We all have people that are expendable in our lives that we can afford to address in common ways.

Some of us become friends with others because of their connections with other people.

Some of us become friends with others out of the need of companionship.

My point is that friends, for the most part, are easy to come by.

However, one friend that isn’t expendable; that we are sometimes too common with is Jesus.

I feel that we forget and we ignore how good of a friend Jesus really is.

How many of your friends on Facebook allowed themselves to be humiliated for you?

How many of them have been spat on and beaten senseless for you?

How many of them have carried your sins lately so that you may be forgiven?

Jesus can be a friend, but we have to remember that He shouldn’t be an expendable one.

We shouldn’t treat Him as we do some other people.

Jesus shouldn’t be placed on the same level as us common folk.

What statement are we making when we treat our relationship with Jesus as a distant friendship?

We shouldn’t call him only when we need him for something.

We shouldn’t only contact him when all of our other friends are busy.

Jesus should be the friend of all friends seems how He has all of our backs.

In this New Year, all of us should practice the act of giving Jesus the respect that He deserves.

One for the week: Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Matthew 22:37