We have a problem within society with not having enough courage to openly discuss issues that are imperative for us to be educated about.
One issue that is prevalent within today’s society is the issue of homosexual’s living undercover lives.
There are various different reasons to why some gay men choose to live double lives.
Statistics show that a majority of gay men who live on the “down low” are ashamed to be representatives of their sexual preferences.
To hide their secret lives from the greater population of society, these men take drastic measures such as getting married to straight women and some even go as far as having children with women.
The issue of men living on the down low is problematic but sadly is an issue that is swept under the rug.
According to writer David Alport the idea of gay men living double lives can be harmful in society because of the deadly disease of Aids.
Gay men under cover only add to the many ways of how the disease is spread.
Alport elaborates on the idea of the spread of aids by introducing a few different ways on how the spreading of aids has become the epidemic that it is today.
Men having sex with other men and rape in prison play a huge role in the epidemic.
However, gay men having sexual intercourse with women occurs so frequently that it is combative with the activity that happens in prison.
Alport stresses the importance of homosexuals taking ownership of their sexual preferences because the number of individuals that are affected by aids is growing rapidly.
How can we as a community put forth an effort to construct solutions for this issue?
Unquestionably, tackling this issue is not going to be an easy task.
We have to first reach out to try and understand each other, and realize that none of us have the authority to judge anyone.
We have men that are homosexuals that are afraid to be open about their sexual preference because they are heavily criticized by the rest of society.
Then there are people that don’t accept the homosexual community at all.
Nothing will be solved if we in all remain on two different wave lengths.
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