It’s no secret that America is in serious debt.
Some fear that soon our currency will be meaningless; it won’t have any value.
My thought is that if we are in jeopardy of being trapped in an everlasting debt, what does that mean for civilians all over the world?
There is no doubt that everything would drastically change.
If money were to have no value, then everyone would have the same social status.
No longer would there be CEOs of companies making salaries of $600,000 while the salary of a common individual remains at $30,000 yearly.
No longer would people have lavish things to flaunt to the rest of the world.
Everyone would have similar houses, similar cars, and similar jobs.
Could we all live in a world where everyone is on the same level?
What will happen when people finally realize that money doesn’t rule the world and at the end of the day God is ruler over all?
What will happen when there are no longer superior and inferior groups of people?
Where would we be left once we discover that money has no value?
We would be stripped of all materialistic things just as Jonah was to obtain clear visions of God having authority over all.
America being in debt can be a wake up call for us all.
However, before our country was in so much debt, we all should have had the capability to take value away from money.
Today, if God were to come to me and tell me Marcel get rid of the shiny rims on your car in order to see me more clearly, I would do it without thinking twice.
If God were to tell me, Marcel, get rid of all the sneakers you love so much in order to see me more clearly than I would do it.
We should all like our materialistic items, but we shouldn’t be in love with them in a way to where we place a higher value then what we place on God.
One for the week-Proverbs 8:10: Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold.
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