She is all alone; I wonder how many young men realize that?
I have seen her cry everlasting tears that will never leave her face.
I have seen her hold on to hope as if hope is her life support and only means to live.
She is all alone; I wonder how many men actually care?
I have seen her mother a child while waiting hours for a manly shadow to enter a dark and narrow doorway.
I have seen her resent her child – the blessing from God – because of her hate towards her child’s father.
Most of all, I have seen her disrespected in ways beyond anyone’s belief.
I have seen her alone.
Why is this woman alone; why is she left alone to raise a child by herself?
Why is this woman disrespected?
A woman should be shown the utmost respect if she respects her self.
A woman has the capability to do what any man can’t do and that is bringing life into this world.
A woman has the capability to do what’s mentioned previously and then some; so why is she left alone?
Why is she left to cry everlasting tears that will forever stain her beautiful face?
It upsets me to know that there are millions of women all over the world who are left alone.
For all of the fellas out there who left a woman alone, you all are missing out on blessings that will never be given back to you in life.
However, you’re sorry for telling her that you loved her, when knowing all along that you didn’t know how to love in the first place.
You’re sorry for creating a baby with a woman and leaving another man to fill your shoes when it comes to fathering.
You’re sorry for leaving one of the greatest creations from God all alone.
This goes out to all of the women who are alone today and to all of the women who have been alone for years.
I dedicate this to a strong woman who is all alone; a woman whom I have seen shed tears, recently.
I just want to let you know that you are not alone, and you never will be.
One for the week: The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Genesis 2:18
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