One saying that seems to never disappear is “blood is thicker than water”.
Usually when it comes to family, ties are strong and the action of being supportive is innate amongst family members.
For family, people typically go the extra mile to ensure safety for their loved ones.
For family, people sometimes do things that they don’t want to do to get loved ones where loved ones need to be.
With family, there is a bond created – the sort of bond that someone would only expect to see between family members.
However, some people have been having family ties without the necessity of their families.
Some people have ties with their car, but they forget a car isn’t capable in participating in a mutual relationship.
Some people have ties with their home, but they forget that a home is nothing without anyone to share it with.
The sort of family ties that have been really bothering me lately are the ties that some individuals lack the control to break.
We all are showing love to materialistic items that can’t show us love back.
One 17- year - old boy died today because of the family ties he had with the name brand of Coogi.
He loved Coogi so much that he would do anything to get the money to buy it.
One night he was found dead wearing his Coogi; Coogi couldn’t love him unconditionally.
Also most likely the creator of Coogi won’t be attending the young mans’ funeral.
It sounds ridiculous for us to be in love with things that can’t love us back so much into the point of our losing our lives or taking the lives of others.
It just makes me wonder what young man will be murdered because someone has family ties with the Air Jordans on his feet?
What teen girl today will be molested because an older man has family ties with her innocence?
When we decide to create family ties, we should all remember the saying that blood is thicker than water.
Real family is the blood, and everything else that we may idolize or yearn for is the water.
One for the week: “Blessed are you, Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the LORD? He is your shield and helper and your glorious sword. Your enemies will cower before you, and you will tread on their heights.” Deuteronomy 33:29
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