Friday, July 11, 2008

Teens Talk - Closed Eyes Upon The World

The Grand Rapids Times
By Marcel Gamble

When I was brought into the world my eyes were closed; my eyes were innocent and shielded from danger and destruction.
As I matured into the man I am today my eyes that have once been innocent have now been corrupted.
Since my eyes couldn’t remain closed forever I have been introduced to what life as a struggling Christian is like.
As I continue to get older I wish that I could have closed eyes upon the world. Although I am a Christian and faithful soldier of God I struggle in this world with open eyes.
I want to go to the club because I love to dance. Does that mean that I am struggling as a Christian?
I love to be around God’s beautiful creatures known as women. Does that classify me as being a struggling Christian?
Sometimes for entertainment I place myself in non-Christian environments. Does this mean that I am a struggling Christian?
My eyes have been opened upon the world.
Yes, I am a struggling Christian and just because my eyes have been open to view the world it don’t make it right for me to do the things I do.
If I am not struggling in life then I wouldn’t have the right to label myself as being a Christian.
All of us after birth have had to open eyes upon the world and it is time for all of us to realize that we are struggling and make some changes.
None of us are blind anymore and for the individuals that are, God still has given you ears to hear out of. We have been exposed to the world and it’s up to us to make the right decisions.
I’m going to leave you with this: as struggling Christians we have to admit that we are struggling and come up with solutions to our problems.

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