Saturday, May 28, 2011

Power In Decisions

Everyday all of us make decisions that we are pleased with and decisions that we regret.

Some of these decisions are minor; many of them are major with long lists of consequences.

For instance, if President Obama decides to go to war tomorrow with another country, we all would be potentially affected by his decision.

When making decisions, I believe that it’s important to remember that we not only have to look out and have discernment to protect ourselves; we also have to look out for others.

This week I want to inspire individuals throughout the inner city streets in which I live and have lived my entire life.

I want to direct my inner city peers into having the right perspectives when it comes to making decisions.

For example, why are some of us making the decisions to place so much money into buying new cars and purchasing cosmetic things for cars when our houses are in need of so much improvement?

Due to this decision, our children don’t have a safe environment to live in.

Why are many of us putting so much money towards designer clothing for our kids and not placing a dime into their education?

Due to this decision, our children are fly but they remain illiterate.

Why are some of us going out each weekend and throwing away so much money?

Due to this decision, our children are left with no college funds.

People we have to make the right decisions.

I’m not suggesting that we shouldn’t enjoy life.

I’m saying that we have to be mindful of others because the decisions we make affect them.

Words of wisdom for the week: Be wise in your decisions.

Friday, May 20, 2011

New Mission

It is that time of year summer is here once again.

The birds are chirping, the sun is shinning, and it is beginning to get a lot warmer outside.

Because it is getting close to summer, we are all due for a public service announcement: Parents please don’t set your kids free and just allow them to do anything and everything during this time of the year.

I know that it’s so easy to say since my child is out of school I can take a break from my parenting duties for three months.

However, not being a parent for three months can cause a lifetime of failure for some children.

Parenting is a job, and it isn’t easy.

Realistically at a job, if a person decides to take a twenty minute break and everyone else continues to work, this person will be left behind to play catch up – resulting in slow production for his/her company.

Children are the same way.

Once people stop supporting them and stimulating their minds with academic tasks, the progress they make throughout the school year begins to diminish.

When it comes time to file taxes each year in order to receive tax refund checks, people don’t have a problem with finding motivation to do that.

The same motivation we all have to get out and figure out what we need to do for our taxes is the same motivation that we all need to encourage us to get out and figure out what we need to do for our children this summer.

Some people don’t view their children as investments.

However, children are investments.

Older generations need to realize that we are bringing up leaders of tomorrow.

We need to realize that we have the opportunity to raise little soldiers of God; and it’s sad that we aren’t taking advantage of this opportunity.

There are plenty of programs hosted by schools, churches, and non - profit organizations for all children this summer.

These are programs that are informing all that none of us have to set out on this mission alone with our children.

What’s really a shame is that some of these programs are free and some people still don’t have their kids enrolled in them.

“All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Stop It!

Bin Laden is dead.

Bin Laden is dead has been the latest news craze all over the Internet and through media sources on television.

Why are people devoting so much attention to the death of someone?

I understand that the Osama bin Laden made bad choices as a person and inflicted pain upon others; but why are we all glorifying his death?

Judging him for his transgressions should be a task for God to handle and it shouldn’t be a task for the rest of us to worry about.

Stop it: is what I want to shout because many of us are ignoring issues that should matter and glorifying things that don’t.

As an adolescent I was mischievous and I made some bad decisions.

One day I pulled my pants down and exposed myself on the school bus because someone dared me to do so.

There were consequences to my actions, and I was suspended from school for a few days.

Now, if my story of exposing myself is still the gossip of today, I would say stop it because that would be an example of people giving attention to a small event that doesn’t matter and ignoring worldly events that should be in the spotlight.

I would say stop it because world hunger should be on everyone’s mind.

I would say stop it because sex trafficking and child slavery should be on everyone’s mind.

I would say stop it because child abuse and domestic violence should be on everyone’s mind.

I would say stop it because saving the generations of tomorrow should be on everyone’s mind.

While we are spending weeks discussing Osama Bin Laden’s death like I know we will, there is going to be a young teen out there somewhere learning how to load a gun for the first time.

While we are spending months covering pointless stories, there is going to be young people in neighboring cities dying of starvation and suffering from neglect.

There is nothing wrong with being educated about worldly issues all I am saying is that we can’t forget to come back to our own back yards.

My words of advice to those who are so ecstatic about Osama Bin Laden’s death is, “Stop It!”

Redirect your focus on an issue that matters.

One for the week: But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice. Philippians 1:18

Monday, May 2, 2011

Throw a Beat On

After watching some of my old home videos with my friends and free styling to beats that we use to create by beat boxing, I realized how much I miss those beats.

I miss the time when we all use to circle up and share rhymes about experiences we were undergoing in life.

I miss it when somebody would throw a beat on.

Sure there were times when we would rap about each other and when we had battles.

However, at the end of each session, competitors would shake hands and go on about their day.

I miss the days when love was shown through music — when music was all about sharing stories with the world and an opportunity for artist to display their artistic abilities.

Some music today is like the music that I miss; but, unfortunately, a majority of it isn’t.

Many of the songs of today have nice beats, but the lyrics have no substance.

I miss Tupac “Keep Your Head Up” and “Dear Mama.”

I miss Nas “I Know I Can.”

I miss songs that had the capability to inspire listeners to want to better themselves — songs that inspired their listeners to place value on their lives.

Today I throw old beats on because I’m still waiting on new ones.

I don’t want my kids growing up listening to Wacka Flocka “Bustin at em” or “Hard In The Paint.”

I don’t want my kids to have to search for inspiration in Niki Minaj track “I Did it On ‘em”.

These are songs with great beats, but the beats aren’t anything if the lyrics mean nothing.

I’m not attacking the artist that provide the music because they are only making their living by providing listeners with what they want to hear.

I am saying that we all need to realize that we live in a misguided and troubled society when we believe that it is cute to film a two year old reciting all of the lyrics to a song that talks about shooting people.

We need to wake up, especially when we can no longer throw on a beat without it’s having negative connotations attached to it.

I miss the days that we people were able to just throw on a beat.

One for the week: Now write down this song and teach it to the Israelites and have them sing it, so that it may be a witness for me against them. Deuteronomy 31:19