Saturday, February 6, 2010

Beginning Of A New Holiday

The Grand Rapids Times
Adult's Walk
By Marcel Gamble

We all go about living out our everyday lives with our busy schedules. We go to work, we attend school, and on the weekend we have our free time. Many become so occupied that without realizing it we become selfish. A lot of us including myself begin to ration out time with the people in our lives that matter the most. Sometimes I should wonder if I should be ashamed of myself when I only give God 20 minutes of mu time every morning and then 5 minutes of my time at every meal. Sometimes I wonder if I should be ashamed of myself when I tire myself out so much during the week and become too lazy to make it to church. I just wonder. I wonder because I know that God wasn’t too tired to give me life. God wasn’t too tired to provide a way for me to further my education. He definitely wasn’t too tired to give me a second chance the day others thought my life should come to an end. Why am I always too busy and why am I always too tired. We all should give some thought to the creation of a new holiday. We should call this holiday, “The Appreciation of Others Day.” It took someone very close to my heart to realize that those that have helped all of us get where we are today didn’t have to do anything. People didn’t have to sacrifice their dreams and goals in order for me to fulfill mine. People don’t have to endless hours so I can live comfortably. People didn’t have to devote so much time and place so much belief in me. No one had to stay by my side to make sure I succeeded in life. If “The Appreciation of Others Day,” never becomes a holiday I want to thank everyone now. I want to thank my Grand Parents. I want to thank my parents. I also want to thank my mentors. For many of my neighboring Americans, I want to thank the political leaders for constantly informing the nation on political events. This leads me to another issue, many Americans are too comfortable. We are so comfortable that we are clueless to what’s happening outside of America. After having a discussion with some people some of us are even clueless to what’s even happening right in our back yards. This is sad but comfort ability is also causing many of us to forget to show appreciation. One for the week– Luke 1:47, My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.

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