Friday, September 19, 2008

Teens Talk - Let it Go

People who have sexually transmitted diseases or multiple sexual relations, those who have been incarcerated, and those who have committed horrific crimes are the individuals that are looked down upon in today’s society.
Well, many may disagree and may even despise me for it, but I look up to the people who commit sins and take full responsibility for the sins that they commit.
It’s one thing to commit a sin and take ownership for the sin, but it’s another thing when a person commits a sin and lives in denial.
Don’t get it twisted. I don’t give individuals praise for doing wrong; I commend them for opening up to God and admitting that they do sin.
We live in a world that won’t let it go.
A majority of the people who claim they are Christians run from the truth.
A sin is a sin, how can someone repent for his or her sins and not admit to committing them?
It’s crazy how some of us will sit up in church all day and look down upon people who are in the streets.
Truthfully, the people in the streets probably have stronger relationships with God then we do; do you know why?
Because maybe the people in the streets don’t hide, maybe they tell God about their sins.
In reality, I believe some Christians are afraid to let it go.
A majority of the Christians in the world won’t let it go because they are confused.
They want strong relationships with God but they are afraid of what their peers would think if they discovered that they sin.
Some of us are so caught up on our reputations that we fail to realize that the only judgment that matters is the judgment from God.
If I disrespected and demeaned women in the past, I’m not afraid to tell you all because what everyone thinks of me doesn’t matter. I live my life for my homie above and Him only.
If I had pre-marital sex, don’t you all worry about it God and I already had this conversation my sin is washed away.
If loved ones around you hate on you because you let it go and choose to give your sins to God, then just smile at them.
Smile at them and tell them just let it go.
You’ll discover that most of the time people are mad at you for letting it go because they don’t have the courage to do it themselves.
As Christians, we have to learn to grow some muscle and be bold.
I’ll say what everyone else is afraid to say, you know why? Because I don’t answer to anyone on earth I answer to my God.
You can call me a thief because I have stolen before.
You can call me a liar because I have lied before.
You can call me a cold- hearted person because I have beaten people down in the past with no remorse.
You know what you really can call me; you can call me a CHRISTIAN.
I let it go, and I encourage everyone who is reading this to do the same.
What ever baggage you are holding on to grow some muscle and let it go.
Once you let your sins go, you have to realize that you are walking with God.
You have to let your sins go and not go back to them.
I’m going to leave you all with this; before people can get closer to God they have to let it go.
Marcel Gamble, a graduate of Kellogsville High School, is a freshman at Calvin College.

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