Friday, September 5, 2008

Teen's Talk - Home Away From Home

The Grand Rapids Times
By Marcel Gamble

I find it humorous when other species have no problem adapting to their surroundings while some species such as humans find it difficult to adapt when stripped from their normal environments.
For example, there are forests that are ripped apart on a daily basis. Animals are forced to relocate and build a home away from home. Even though they are forced into a new environment, they have the capability to adapt.
Unfortunately, sometimes it can be difficult to adapt when your surroundings become unfamiliar.
Like birds there are many people who have to be pushed out of the nest, to be able to fly. Meaning sometimes we have to leave home in order to see the world.
Well, this week I’m that bird; and I had to leave the nest to be introduced to the world of college.
With my eyes I have seen people from all over the United States.
So far I have seen people with morals that I’m not use to, but I’ll hold on to my morals and I will adapt.
Already, I have meet people with different religious views. I will continue to praise the Lord the way I do, and I will adapt.
Adapting is not about forcing people to give up their way of living; adapting is about standing firm in your individual beliefs and also compromising with others.
I never thought that I would ever see myself at a private school such as Calvin College; but in the midst of it all, God has placed me here, and I will adapt.
College is not my normal habitat because I am a freshman. However, thanks to all of the other students at Calvin with their warm personalities I find it easy to adapt.
People would live better lives if they would learn to adapt to theirs and others environments.
I’m going to leave you all with this; Matthew 13:43:
“Then the ones right with God will shine as the sun in the holy nation of their father. You have ears then listen!”

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