Mistakes are called mistakes for a reason.
We are supposed to learn from our mistakes; but, unfortunately, sometimes for many of us this isn’t the case.
No one is perfect; so I understand that it is innate in us to make mistakes, but we aren’t deprived of having the capability to learn from them.
The point of a mistake is to help a person grow to become wise.
We live in a world today where stupidity is often identified as the act of making a mistake.
It’s almost as if we write things off by claiming that we aren’t knowledgeable enough to know any better.
It isn’t a mistake when someone chooses to remain a victim in an abusive relationship no matter how much pain he or she are experiencing.
It isn’t a mistake when a father is granted visitation rights but doesn’t care enough to see his child during his designated times.
It isn’t a mistake when someone who is a habitual cheater has power to keep pulling his or her mate back into a broken relationship.
It isn’t a mistake if a child frequently comes to school with bruises on his or her body; no one falls that many times.
It isn’t a mistake if your home is up for foreclosure and you visit the casino faithfully.
God didn’t construct us to be perfect but He didn’t create us to be clueless beings either.
We have to realize our faults and stop surrounding ourselves with people who just accept them without encouraging us to change.
A friend wouldn’t allow you to keep doing drugs if that friend knows that it would be the cause of your death.
A friend wouldn’t support you to remain in an abusive relationship.
A friend would understand making a mistake maybe once or twice; but when it becomes a third time, the behavior is no longer classified as a mistake.
It’s time to view mistakes as lessons learned and not excuses to continue on with our habitual acts.
Email me at marcelgamble@sbcglobal.net to discuss the idea of a mistake being a lessoned learned.
One for the week: Be wise in your decisions because they have the potential to effect you for a lifetime.
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