Life isn’t meant to be easy by any means, and we should all accept this.
There isn’t any easy way out.
Life isn’t like a trip to the grocery store where we are able to discover 5 different ways to be efficient and arrive to our destination in a timely matter.
Life isn’t like the website
A place that we can visit when we need additional helps understanding a literary works.
Life is hard but we aren’t alone we don’t have to fight our own battles.
As soon as we realize that God is here with us and that God is the decision maker on what our vocations may be, life isn’t so hard anymore.
God sends us callings we just have to listen for them.
There are too many people ignoring His calls and making life harder then what it has to be.
If God tells you that your purpose is to be an employee at McDonald’s to help mold the lives of other employees, don’t ignore it and decide to become an exotic dancer because the pay is higher.
Fast money isn’t the best money and the easy way out looks great in the beginning but changes to be something horrible in the end.
We all have to learn that life is essentially what we make it.
Yes, God allows us the freedom to make our own decisions.
However, I believe that he grants us this right in hope that we would make decisions with His guidance.
The fast life only last for so long.
You can’t be a drug dealer forever everyone knows the outcome to this profession if you will; a person ends up dead or incarcerated.
You can’t live day to day chasing the wrong dreams and callings from man.
God gives us our callings to eliminate the hassle of searching.
It takes time we have to be patient and wait for His direction.
I’ll say it again life is what we make it, and it would be so much greater if we accept Gods guidance.
One for the week: 2 Chronicles 32:8 - With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the LORD our God to help us and to fight our battles.” And the people gained confidence from what Hezekiah the king of Judah said.
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