The expression “you don’t know what it feels like until you have walked in my shoes” is a saying that is used frequently.
This saying is normally brought up when people want to make the statement that others can try but will never be able to relate to what they have been through.
I am writing this article today because I have been a witness to many people walking in shoes that don’t belong to them.
Sadly, some of these people get stuck in these shoes and are forced to stay in them for the rest of their lives.
The people that I am referring to can be identified as the “experiments.”
These usually are people that just want to try shoes on before buying them; these are the individuals with a ton of curiosity.
This is the guy that doesn’t want to gang bang but wants to see what it is like for a day.
This is the woman that doesn’t want children but still has the urge to undergo the experience of childbirth.
This is the teenager that despises drug addicts but just wants to see what it is like to try a drug one time.
This is us.
This is the gangster rapper that wants fame but can’t handle the consequences that may come along with some things that he/she may say.
This is the preacher that wants to share Gods’ word but lacks the motivation to help those within his/her congregation when they are in need.
These are the people who want to be anti- racism activist who cringe every time they see an interracial couple.
This is the man that wants his son to be respectful to women that occasionally hits his wife.
This is the woman who wants her daughter to have respect for her body but who also brings different men home every night.
If shoes don’t fit, then we have to stop wearing them.
If they are too big at the store they aren’t going to get any smaller upon returning home; so stuffing tissue in a shoe shouldn’t be an option.
Don’t put on the shoes of a gangster if you don’t have the heart to protect a territory, something that you live for at any cost.
Don’t put on the shoes of a mother if you make your friends first priority over your children.
Don’t put on the shoes of activist against racism if you don’t feel comfortable about interracial marriage.
We all honestly have to stop wearing shoes that don’t fit.
These shoes that don’t fit have us in lifestyles that we can’t get out of.
These shoes trap us in lifestyles that we don’t want to get out of.
We can’t wear shoes that don’t belong to us, we have to wear shoes that fit.
One for the week: …and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills. Exodus 31:3
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