As an elementary student, I constantly heard the reminder, “Use a pencil not a pen.”
I tended to be the rebellious student and used a pen.
Even, though I knew that I was destined to make a mistake in math class, I wrote my equations in pen.
Although I battled with grammatical issues in English, I still used a pen.
As I look at some of my assignments from years ago and see the many scratches and scribbles, I wish that I had used a pencil.
With a pen, someone can make a mistake and try to hide it with knowledge that that the mistake is still there.
With a pencil, a person can make a mistake, erase it, and make corrections.
Many people used pens throughout the year, looking at old mistakes that they tried to cover up.
When a mistake is still visible, then knowledge that the mistake was made will remain.
This year, pens have created problems because pens had people wanting to visit the past to change mistakes that will remain visible.
We all have to realize that using a pen is just like making certain decisions that are capable of affecting the rest of our lives.
Many of us have chosen to use pens this year.
We have had children without being financially stable.
We have sold drugs to make a living.
We have abandoned younger generations that have the potential to be future leaders.
We have mistreated and abused our spouses.
We have held grudges that have created barriers between ourselves and success.
Because pen has been the choice of utensil to use this year people have been stuck in the past and unprepared for the future.
In this year of 2010 people need to approach the drawing board with pencils instead of pens.
With a pencil people can write down ideas without being subjected to follow them.
With a pencil people can change decisions that they make before they become permanent.
With a pencil a person doesn’t have to look back at previous mistakes; he or she can move on without wondering what could have been done differently.
In 2010, I’m choosing not to be that rebellious elementary student.
As an adult, I appreciate the advice from my teachers, “Use a pencil and not a pen.”
This year, I’m not going to look back and wonder if I’m going to make immediate changes myself.
I advise everyone to drop the pens that they are using and pick up pencils…
One for the week: Genesis 27:28- May God give you of heaven’s dew and of earth’s richness— an abundance of grain and new wine.
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