The Grand Rapids Times
Adult's Walk
By Marcel Gamble
It is so amusing when a person enters a store and passes the many signs that state, “For your, safety you are under surveillance.”
I find it even more hilarious when a person discovers he or she is under surveillance and still decides to shoplift.
If shoplifters are on camera from the moment that they step foot into an establishment until the time when they try to leave, then why do they make an effort to steal?
These shoplifters feel the need to steal for the same reason that everyone else on camera still continue with their heathen actions.
It seems as if cameras don’t faze people anymore because everyone is smiling as if they are taking a picture.
Mothers who have sexual relations with a number of different men realize that they are on camera still smile for the picture.
However, these mothers don’t realize that their daugh¬ters are the ones that they are smiling for.
Fathers that treat women like they are unworthy of being respected smile for the camera.
These fathers are not aware that their sons go through their pictures and see them smiling.
Pastors that are more con¬cerned about raising money instead of saving souls uncon¬sciously smile for the camera.
They don’t understand that future leaders are viewing their pictures.
People wonder why it is so easy for prostitutes, money extortionists, drug dealers, molesters, serial killers, and etc. to smile for the camera.
It is so easy because most individuals don’t even see a camera anymore.
It no longer phases the 16 year old who undergoes abor¬tion after abortion to be on camera.
It doesn’t bother a man if he raises degenerates instead of respectable young men.
It doesn’t faze a woman when her daughters turn out to be promiscuous women instead of responsible mothers.
Everyone is smiling so there¬fore there must be a camera present.
Although I am not an actor or a model on a photo shoot, I finally realize that I am on camera.
When others see my video or view my pictures, I want them to see a respectful young man who is striving to succeed.
When I have young men watch me on camera, I want them to see that clothing, cars, and jewelry make a statement; but a mind equipped with knowledge makes a greater statement.
I want young women to see me as a kind gentleman so they settle for nothing less when they are searching for their significant other.
I am tired of seeing film that should never be developed.
Instead of imitating negativ¬ity, people should see others on camera and want to follow greatness.
Many individuals who act a fool behind camera should be labeled as premature actors.
These people are premature actors because they are in des¬perate need of lessons on how to act.
I’ll be nice and give those that are in need a few coaching lessons.
Don’t get on camera and re¬cite every swear word known to man and not know you’re ABC’s and 123’s because ignorance isn’t cute behind camera.
Don’t get behind camera and bash religious beliefs if you don’t have a rebuttal ar¬gument to support your bold statements.
Don’t get behind a camera and generalize all members of one group if you haven’t personally taken the time out to meet each member; judging isn’t wise behind camera.
People need to advance be¬yond being premature actors, and receive proper coaching to become A list actors.
I wonder if everyone is aware that they are behind camera?
Email me at marcelgamble@ if you have any valuable lessons on being be¬hind camera.
One for the week: Genesis 3:6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.
Just because something looks appeasing like a fool behind a camera doesn’t mean that you make it your goal to take interest.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
I Had A Caring Teacher
Tell us the one thing you remember that teacher did to really help you. You can also name the person if you would like, tell what grade you were in and what school.
There is one thing I am doing as a parent that I know works to help my child (children) do well in school.
Tell us what you do and how you know it works. (Please state at least the grade or age of the child (children).
Something to Think About
The Grand Rapids Times
Adult's Walk
By Marcel Gamble
Little girl little girl your boyfriend loves you
He wants to display his love
In your mind you behold
But under his clothes he holds that unconditional love
He has that I love you but I don’t want my friends to know kind of love
He has that to your face you’re my everything
But to my boys you’re my hoe kind of love
Little girl just sit back and smile because that’s all you can do
You should be enthused that your boyfriend loves you
Little girl give him your heart
Your soul
Let him admire your physical attributes
Let him take you behind closed doors
Let him show you what real lovers do
Little girl little girl you are six months pregnant
Where is your man
Little girl his seed continues to grow but you lost his hand
You no longer are a little girl
Love transformed you into a woman
Little girl there is no time to cry
You have to prepare for the seed you have inside
Little girl just because there is conflict
Doesn’t mean you should convict
The seed that you are blessed with
Your seed shouldn’t need a good lawyer to receive the verdict
Of drop charges because it is innocent
Little girl it is no longer all about you
You are not a private investigator
But you should already have a clue
Everything equals two now
Like gravity you have to hold it down
It should be a bright day
Because you have a son now
Little girl little girl
Think about the definition of love
Think about how love can’t defined
Think about how love is emotions, compassion, and bullshit intertwined
Little girl wipe your eyes
Because you must see clear
The past is old news
Your new news is 18 years
Today is filled with ambitious and misguided generations that wish to become adults to soon.
Like the little girl, some believe they are ready to take on life changing task but consequently reality sets in.
Reality sets in when a teenage girl has to trans¬form into a full-time mother.
Reality sets in when a teenage boy has to drop out of school and pick up a full-time job to support his child.
It’s fine to want to succeed in life; however it’s not okay to take on more then what you are capable of handling.
As a young man who has been immersed in world filled with life changing consequences, I believe I am able to say be careful.
I am able to say be careful of allowing others to decide your fate for you.
I am able to say be careful of being involved in numerous activities; don’t stretch your body too thin.
A person can make a bigger change in the world by giving a 100% to cause rather than 10% to seven different causes.
I am able to say be careful of those who are placed around you to bring you down and not lift you up.
I am able to say be careful to all of the follow¬ing things because I, or someone that I know, has personally experienced these situations.
If everyone were to reach out and say, “Be care¬ful,” then there would be a greater possibility of the little girl in the poem not becoming pregnant.
If everyone would take the time out to say, “Be careful,” then the little girl would know enough not to let her boyfriend take advantage of her.
The world honestly would undergo a massive transformation if everyone reaches out to say, “Be careful”.
Blog with me at this website and share with me how you are going to warn someone to be careful.
One for the week: God is able to do much more than we ask or think through His power working in us. Ephesians 3:20
Adult's Walk
By Marcel Gamble
Little girl little girl your boyfriend loves you
He wants to display his love
In your mind you behold
But under his clothes he holds that unconditional love
He has that I love you but I don’t want my friends to know kind of love
He has that to your face you’re my everything
But to my boys you’re my hoe kind of love
Little girl just sit back and smile because that’s all you can do
You should be enthused that your boyfriend loves you
Little girl give him your heart
Your soul
Let him admire your physical attributes
Let him take you behind closed doors
Let him show you what real lovers do
Little girl little girl you are six months pregnant
Where is your man
Little girl his seed continues to grow but you lost his hand
You no longer are a little girl
Love transformed you into a woman
Little girl there is no time to cry
You have to prepare for the seed you have inside
Little girl just because there is conflict
Doesn’t mean you should convict
The seed that you are blessed with
Your seed shouldn’t need a good lawyer to receive the verdict
Of drop charges because it is innocent
Little girl it is no longer all about you
You are not a private investigator
But you should already have a clue
Everything equals two now
Like gravity you have to hold it down
It should be a bright day
Because you have a son now
Little girl little girl
Think about the definition of love
Think about how love can’t defined
Think about how love is emotions, compassion, and bullshit intertwined
Little girl wipe your eyes
Because you must see clear
The past is old news
Your new news is 18 years
Today is filled with ambitious and misguided generations that wish to become adults to soon.
Like the little girl, some believe they are ready to take on life changing task but consequently reality sets in.
Reality sets in when a teenage girl has to trans¬form into a full-time mother.
Reality sets in when a teenage boy has to drop out of school and pick up a full-time job to support his child.
It’s fine to want to succeed in life; however it’s not okay to take on more then what you are capable of handling.
As a young man who has been immersed in world filled with life changing consequences, I believe I am able to say be careful.
I am able to say be careful of allowing others to decide your fate for you.
I am able to say be careful of being involved in numerous activities; don’t stretch your body too thin.
A person can make a bigger change in the world by giving a 100% to cause rather than 10% to seven different causes.
I am able to say be careful of those who are placed around you to bring you down and not lift you up.
I am able to say be careful to all of the follow¬ing things because I, or someone that I know, has personally experienced these situations.
If everyone were to reach out and say, “Be care¬ful,” then there would be a greater possibility of the little girl in the poem not becoming pregnant.
If everyone would take the time out to say, “Be careful,” then the little girl would know enough not to let her boyfriend take advantage of her.
The world honestly would undergo a massive transformation if everyone reaches out to say, “Be careful”.
Blog with me at this website and share with me how you are going to warn someone to be careful.
One for the week: God is able to do much more than we ask or think through His power working in us. Ephesians 3:20
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Let Them Live
The Grand Rapids Times
Adult's Walk
By Marcel Gamble
Part I
Every day, every hour, every minute another human is brought into the world.
A number of these babies leave their birthplaces and enter loving homes where they live healthy lives.
Some of these babies are adopted into loving homes where they have the opportunity to live comfortably.
A majority are released into foster homes where they are more likely to grow up not feeling loved because they don’t have stable parents, and they are passed from family to family.
Unfortunately, other babies are born and left to fend for themselves in the streets.
These babies are left in dumpsters and various other places that seem vacant.
Why is it possible for people to continue to have children when they are aware that they are incapable of providing for them?
It saddens me a great deal to see an individual brought into this world only to experience suffering their entire lives because of their parent’s poor decisions.
However, neglect of babies isn’t only an issue among the human species it is also problematic with animals.
They say that a dog is a man’s best friend, but with the pet overpopulation increasing this saying doesn’t seem true.
It seems that as the numbers of irresponsible pet owners grow the number of neglected pets increase simultaneously.
Thousands of dogs and cats die on daily bases after being born in the streets and not in loving homes.
They become ill, they are euthanized by shelters, or they become road kill.
People have to realize that euthanizing isn’t the only solution to pet overpopulation.
The solution that gives cats and dogs the opportunity that they deserve to live is fixing them.
Overpopulation wouldn’t be an issue if pet owners understood the importance of spaying and neutering.
If more cats and dogs were spayed and neutered, deaths wouldn’t occur on a frequent basis amongst healthy animals.
If more people become responsible pet owners, taxes wouldn’t have to be raised to fund the shelters that house most animals for a few days only to euthanize them.
Continued next week
Adult's Walk
By Marcel Gamble
Part I
Every day, every hour, every minute another human is brought into the world.
A number of these babies leave their birthplaces and enter loving homes where they live healthy lives.
Some of these babies are adopted into loving homes where they have the opportunity to live comfortably.
A majority are released into foster homes where they are more likely to grow up not feeling loved because they don’t have stable parents, and they are passed from family to family.
Unfortunately, other babies are born and left to fend for themselves in the streets.
These babies are left in dumpsters and various other places that seem vacant.
Why is it possible for people to continue to have children when they are aware that they are incapable of providing for them?
It saddens me a great deal to see an individual brought into this world only to experience suffering their entire lives because of their parent’s poor decisions.
However, neglect of babies isn’t only an issue among the human species it is also problematic with animals.
They say that a dog is a man’s best friend, but with the pet overpopulation increasing this saying doesn’t seem true.
It seems that as the numbers of irresponsible pet owners grow the number of neglected pets increase simultaneously.
Thousands of dogs and cats die on daily bases after being born in the streets and not in loving homes.
They become ill, they are euthanized by shelters, or they become road kill.
People have to realize that euthanizing isn’t the only solution to pet overpopulation.
The solution that gives cats and dogs the opportunity that they deserve to live is fixing them.
Overpopulation wouldn’t be an issue if pet owners understood the importance of spaying and neutering.
If more cats and dogs were spayed and neutered, deaths wouldn’t occur on a frequent basis amongst healthy animals.
If more people become responsible pet owners, taxes wouldn’t have to be raised to fund the shelters that house most animals for a few days only to euthanize them.
Continued next week
Friday, August 14, 2009
Stuck In The ‘60s Or Race Relations Realists
The Grand Rapids Times
By Peter Bailey, NNPA Columnist
Numerous times since the emergence of President Barack Obama and “Transracialism” on the national scene, my skepticism about the whole process has led people to label me as “stuck in the ‘60s” in regards to race relations in this country.
This labeling has come mostly from young Black folks, though even a few from my generation have joined in.
Well, after several recent incidents, including the banning of 65 Black and Latino youngsters from a swimming pool run by the Valley Swim Club because their presence “would change the complexion… and the atmosphere of the club,” I wonder if those same people still consider me “stuck in the ‘60s.”
Is it being stuck in the 60s to believe that a White Harvard professor would not have been arrested as was Henry Louis Gates, Jr. at his own home, following his confrontation with White police officer, James Crowley?
I am not a card-paying member of the Skip Gates fan club but it is obvious that he was arrested for being what many Whites call an “uppity” Black person who had the nerve to not be more deferential when addressing his “superior.”
What fascinates me the most about these and other such incidents is the number of Black folks who express “shock” that such things can happen in this country in 2009.
It is understandable that young Blacks under 30 may be shocked because they have basically grown up in a fantasyland in regards to race relations.
For those over 30, one can only wonder why they are shocked at expressions of White supremacy/ racism when that condition is an integral part of the country’s past and present. No, it is not as overt as before but it is still there ready to rear its ugly head at any given moment.
Those shocked Black folks should be made aware of a survey done by a University of Michigan professor which came to my attention in a 1991 editorial in the Richmond Afro- American newspaper. When asked what they considered true integration, Whites said 85 percent White, 15 percent Black with a White person always in charge; Blacks said 50-50 with a Black or White person in charge.
This explains why Whites such as Pat Buchanan, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingram, Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck, and all their viewers, readers and listeners responded with such venomous hysteria when President Obama said that the police officer acted “stupidly” in the Gates case. Which, by the way, is not the same as saying that the cop is stupid.
It absolutely outrages such people that a Black man is in the White House, even a safe one like President Obama. And the fact that his wife is dark-skinned just adds to the outrage.
Every time they see the Obamas in the White House carrying out their official duties, they simply lose it. The result is incidents such as the two mentioned above.
It is highly likely that such expression of overt white supremacy/racism will become increasingly bolder. Which raises the question as to whether we Black folks are prepared to defend ourselves.
Journalist/Lecturer A. Peter Bailey, a former associate editor of Ebony, is currently editor of Vital Issues: The Journal of African American Speeches. He can be reached at
By Peter Bailey, NNPA Columnist
Numerous times since the emergence of President Barack Obama and “Transracialism” on the national scene, my skepticism about the whole process has led people to label me as “stuck in the ‘60s” in regards to race relations in this country.
This labeling has come mostly from young Black folks, though even a few from my generation have joined in.
Well, after several recent incidents, including the banning of 65 Black and Latino youngsters from a swimming pool run by the Valley Swim Club because their presence “would change the complexion… and the atmosphere of the club,” I wonder if those same people still consider me “stuck in the ‘60s.”
Is it being stuck in the 60s to believe that a White Harvard professor would not have been arrested as was Henry Louis Gates, Jr. at his own home, following his confrontation with White police officer, James Crowley?
I am not a card-paying member of the Skip Gates fan club but it is obvious that he was arrested for being what many Whites call an “uppity” Black person who had the nerve to not be more deferential when addressing his “superior.”
What fascinates me the most about these and other such incidents is the number of Black folks who express “shock” that such things can happen in this country in 2009.
It is understandable that young Blacks under 30 may be shocked because they have basically grown up in a fantasyland in regards to race relations.
For those over 30, one can only wonder why they are shocked at expressions of White supremacy/ racism when that condition is an integral part of the country’s past and present. No, it is not as overt as before but it is still there ready to rear its ugly head at any given moment.
Those shocked Black folks should be made aware of a survey done by a University of Michigan professor which came to my attention in a 1991 editorial in the Richmond Afro- American newspaper. When asked what they considered true integration, Whites said 85 percent White, 15 percent Black with a White person always in charge; Blacks said 50-50 with a Black or White person in charge.
This explains why Whites such as Pat Buchanan, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingram, Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck, and all their viewers, readers and listeners responded with such venomous hysteria when President Obama said that the police officer acted “stupidly” in the Gates case. Which, by the way, is not the same as saying that the cop is stupid.
It absolutely outrages such people that a Black man is in the White House, even a safe one like President Obama. And the fact that his wife is dark-skinned just adds to the outrage.
Every time they see the Obamas in the White House carrying out their official duties, they simply lose it. The result is incidents such as the two mentioned above.
It is highly likely that such expression of overt white supremacy/racism will become increasingly bolder. Which raises the question as to whether we Black folks are prepared to defend ourselves.
Journalist/Lecturer A. Peter Bailey, a former associate editor of Ebony, is currently editor of Vital Issues: The Journal of African American Speeches. He can be reached at
Number #1 Evangelist
The Grand Rapids Times
Adult's Walk
By Marcel Gamble
Yes, I have been through some life threatening storms.
Yes, I have been dragged through some of the most treacherous lands.
Furthermore, I have learned some of life’s hard lessons.
However, my experiences don’t make me a stronger evan¬gelist than the person who has been sheltered their entire life.
This week after walking, I learned that saving others becomes a competition when people boast about their testi¬monies.
No one can be the number evangelist because we are all on the same mission.
Being a gunshot victim doesn’t make you a stronger evangelist than someone who has never been shot.
Being a victim of divorce doesn’t make you the number one evangelist because there is someone that is married that is just like you.
To put it in better terms that everyone may understand, the only # 1 evangelist is Jesus Christ.
If a person has experienced trials and tribulations that person does not become the number 1 evangelist, they become a strong Christian.
There was a time when I believed just because I grew up in the inner city and was never blinded from life that made me the number one evangelist.
I believed that if people wanted to hear a true testi¬mony they should come to me.
I thought that nobody else’s testimony mattered.
There was a time when I was self centered and believed that I was the number evangelist, but now I know among the hu¬man species such an individual doesn’t exist.
I now know that there is only one person from a higher power that is the number 1 evangelist and this person is Jesus.
I’m not saying that people’s testimonies are unworthy of saving others.
I’m saying testimonies shouldn’t be used in competi¬tion because God’s servants shouldn’t battle.
As real talk God’s servants should join together and create unity to succeed in the mission of serving the Lord. This week’s column was inspired by Rev. Howard C. Earle, Jr.
Adult's Walk
By Marcel Gamble
Yes, I have been through some life threatening storms.
Yes, I have been dragged through some of the most treacherous lands.
Furthermore, I have learned some of life’s hard lessons.
However, my experiences don’t make me a stronger evan¬gelist than the person who has been sheltered their entire life.
This week after walking, I learned that saving others becomes a competition when people boast about their testi¬monies.
No one can be the number evangelist because we are all on the same mission.
Being a gunshot victim doesn’t make you a stronger evangelist than someone who has never been shot.
Being a victim of divorce doesn’t make you the number one evangelist because there is someone that is married that is just like you.
To put it in better terms that everyone may understand, the only # 1 evangelist is Jesus Christ.
If a person has experienced trials and tribulations that person does not become the number 1 evangelist, they become a strong Christian.
There was a time when I believed just because I grew up in the inner city and was never blinded from life that made me the number one evangelist.
I believed that if people wanted to hear a true testi¬mony they should come to me.
I thought that nobody else’s testimony mattered.
There was a time when I was self centered and believed that I was the number evangelist, but now I know among the hu¬man species such an individual doesn’t exist.
I now know that there is only one person from a higher power that is the number 1 evangelist and this person is Jesus.
I’m not saying that people’s testimonies are unworthy of saving others.
I’m saying testimonies shouldn’t be used in competi¬tion because God’s servants shouldn’t battle.
As real talk God’s servants should join together and create unity to succeed in the mission of serving the Lord. This week’s column was inspired by Rev. Howard C. Earle, Jr.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
President Obama And Media Leadership: A Teaching Moment
The Grand Rapids Times
By Lawrence N. "Larry" Redd
The arrest of a citizen by a Cambridge, Maine police officer, James Crowley, became major news when too many people not present began to take sides in the matter.
News reports via telecommunication media carried the story about Dr. Henry Louis Gates’ arrest to millions of people around the world.
America’s own national news media solicited and then widely disseminated President Obama’s assessment that the police “acted stupidly” in arresting Dr. Gates, a handicapped Harvard University scholar, in his own home; after his identity had been established.
The President’s remarks sparked a national uproar.
The negative reaction to Mr. Obama, largely from entrenched conservative forces, made the President of the United States later modify his own comments.
It was not the first time that President Obama, an African American, had been publicly subjugated. Arizona State University did it in May 2009. It happened again on his African trips.
In each event mainstream media leadership was unprepared, stumbled, ignored or missed golden “teaching moments.”
Now, Dr. Gates, also an African American, and President Obama comprise a unique confluence. They can teach the nation a great lesson if American media leadership is open to change.
Some standardized media language, generally accepted by the public, was developed historically by conservatives.
Other language terms often aid powerful forces that are aligned to subjugate African Americans, including President Barack Obama.
A case in point was made manifest by media coverage of President Obama’s July 2009 trip to Ghana. CNN anchor, Anderson Cooper reportedly said it was the President’s first trip to Africa.
Mr. Obama’s first visit to Africa as President of the United States was made a month earlier to Egypt; June 2009. What accounts for CNN’s error? More than two centuries ago, a now nearly invisible code, “white supremacy,” was formalized by some academic scholars; led by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach. The code was widely adopted among universities, business practices, conservative politicians, and used to separate Egypt from Africa.
Over a period of time Egypt has been psychologically relocated to a mythical post WWII creation called “The Middle East.” Ghana and selected other African nations have been labeled “sub-Sahara Africa.”
The terms “Middle East” and “Sub-Sahara Africa” function successfully, singularly or in tandem, to help officially eliminate any black connection to Egypt or Egypt to Africa.
Recognition of the black connection to Egypt would destroy the fundamental basis of “white supremacy” because Egypt’s ancient culture is the basis for Western Civilization; especially black mastery of science, mathematics and astronomy.
When media, political and academic institutions support the concept of Ghana being President Obama’s first trip to Africa they are protecting the code of “white supremacy;” not dismantling it. In public schools some standardized multiple choice tests require that children select the Middle East, not Africa, as the correct location of Egypt.
On July 8, 2009, Anderson Cooper’s blog site was ostensibly shut down in response to messages that reminded the anchor of President Obama’s first trip to Egypt, Africa.
President Obama’s blackancestry is directly linked to ancient Egypt and represents to date the most powerful philosophical challenge of black subjugation by the “white supremacy” code.
Obama is related to Africa’s “Mountain of the Moon” people, the Luo Tribe, a black Nile River population that significantly contributed to the development of Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.
In other words, Obama’s black ancestors were the first to master science and “code” astronomy; movement of the stars, moon and earth around the sun. Coming full circle, “a sun” of ancient Egypt returned to the great Nile Valley as head of the most powerful nation on the planet; itself a descendant of Egypt.
Following true tradition, Obama has helped redirect America’s focus on world leadership to ancient Egypt’s foundation, the mastery of new cutting edge science, green energy, one of the main tenants of his Presidential Administration.
Media leadership missed a teachable moment.
The state of Arizona is home to America’s leading academic organizations that are dedicated to the study of astronomy: NOAO (National Optical Astronomy Observatory) and AURA (Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy).
Among American colleges and universities, the most powerful set of telescopes are located in Arizona; Kitt Peak National Observatory and The Large Binocular Telescope; ten times more powerful than Hubble. So, it is interesting to note which institution of higher education attempted to publicly subjugate a direct descendant of ancient Egypt.
The conservative academic leadership at Arizona State University, a leading astronomy school, refused to award Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, an honorary Doctoral Degree after he spoke at its May 2009 Commencement.
That underhanded gesture signaled the embrace of the “white supremacy” code and rejection of even a notion that black people first mastered astronomy and used the discipline to build Egypt; located in Africa.
Those who control American media must discover for themselves the core of “white supremacy” and eschew it for the good of U.S. world leadership. Otherwise, Blumenbach’s racial inferiority membership will continue their subjugation “hit parade,” even against President Obama.
Euphemisms aside, Henry Fonda’s southern white character in “Roots” called it; “out niggering each other.” However, the new reconstruction choices remain the same; new quest or old legacy.
The arrest of Dr. Gates by police officer Crowley has placed “on the table” for America, a mystery that is wrapped in a conundrum. That is, multiplying “1/2” of the arrest story (Dr.
Gates) by the other “1/2” of the arrest story (officer Crowley) leads into an infinite set of fractional numbers to which there is no answer.
When “The Sun of Ancient Egypt” wisely modified his statement about “police stupidity” he sealed off entry to that endless pit.
His declaration for a national “teachable moment” signifies his understanding of the stars; not a debate over their English, Greek or African name pronunciations.
It is a good thing that the election of Barack Obama to the Office of President of the United States of America, the actions police officer James Crowley, and the African scholarship of Dr. Louis Henry Gates are now aligned in history; as if they are the sun, moon and earth.
For in a rapidly changing world, a “dark eclipse” represents a great teaching moment about the core of “white supremacy,” especially for American media leadership.
By Lawrence N. "Larry" Redd
The arrest of a citizen by a Cambridge, Maine police officer, James Crowley, became major news when too many people not present began to take sides in the matter.
News reports via telecommunication media carried the story about Dr. Henry Louis Gates’ arrest to millions of people around the world.
America’s own national news media solicited and then widely disseminated President Obama’s assessment that the police “acted stupidly” in arresting Dr. Gates, a handicapped Harvard University scholar, in his own home; after his identity had been established.
The President’s remarks sparked a national uproar.
The negative reaction to Mr. Obama, largely from entrenched conservative forces, made the President of the United States later modify his own comments.
It was not the first time that President Obama, an African American, had been publicly subjugated. Arizona State University did it in May 2009. It happened again on his African trips.
In each event mainstream media leadership was unprepared, stumbled, ignored or missed golden “teaching moments.”
Now, Dr. Gates, also an African American, and President Obama comprise a unique confluence. They can teach the nation a great lesson if American media leadership is open to change.
Some standardized media language, generally accepted by the public, was developed historically by conservatives.
Other language terms often aid powerful forces that are aligned to subjugate African Americans, including President Barack Obama.
A case in point was made manifest by media coverage of President Obama’s July 2009 trip to Ghana. CNN anchor, Anderson Cooper reportedly said it was the President’s first trip to Africa.
Mr. Obama’s first visit to Africa as President of the United States was made a month earlier to Egypt; June 2009. What accounts for CNN’s error? More than two centuries ago, a now nearly invisible code, “white supremacy,” was formalized by some academic scholars; led by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach. The code was widely adopted among universities, business practices, conservative politicians, and used to separate Egypt from Africa.
Over a period of time Egypt has been psychologically relocated to a mythical post WWII creation called “The Middle East.” Ghana and selected other African nations have been labeled “sub-Sahara Africa.”
The terms “Middle East” and “Sub-Sahara Africa” function successfully, singularly or in tandem, to help officially eliminate any black connection to Egypt or Egypt to Africa.
Recognition of the black connection to Egypt would destroy the fundamental basis of “white supremacy” because Egypt’s ancient culture is the basis for Western Civilization; especially black mastery of science, mathematics and astronomy.
When media, political and academic institutions support the concept of Ghana being President Obama’s first trip to Africa they are protecting the code of “white supremacy;” not dismantling it. In public schools some standardized multiple choice tests require that children select the Middle East, not Africa, as the correct location of Egypt.
On July 8, 2009, Anderson Cooper’s blog site was ostensibly shut down in response to messages that reminded the anchor of President Obama’s first trip to Egypt, Africa.
President Obama’s blackancestry is directly linked to ancient Egypt and represents to date the most powerful philosophical challenge of black subjugation by the “white supremacy” code.
Obama is related to Africa’s “Mountain of the Moon” people, the Luo Tribe, a black Nile River population that significantly contributed to the development of Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.
In other words, Obama’s black ancestors were the first to master science and “code” astronomy; movement of the stars, moon and earth around the sun. Coming full circle, “a sun” of ancient Egypt returned to the great Nile Valley as head of the most powerful nation on the planet; itself a descendant of Egypt.
Following true tradition, Obama has helped redirect America’s focus on world leadership to ancient Egypt’s foundation, the mastery of new cutting edge science, green energy, one of the main tenants of his Presidential Administration.
Media leadership missed a teachable moment.
The state of Arizona is home to America’s leading academic organizations that are dedicated to the study of astronomy: NOAO (National Optical Astronomy Observatory) and AURA (Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy).
Among American colleges and universities, the most powerful set of telescopes are located in Arizona; Kitt Peak National Observatory and The Large Binocular Telescope; ten times more powerful than Hubble. So, it is interesting to note which institution of higher education attempted to publicly subjugate a direct descendant of ancient Egypt.
The conservative academic leadership at Arizona State University, a leading astronomy school, refused to award Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, an honorary Doctoral Degree after he spoke at its May 2009 Commencement.
That underhanded gesture signaled the embrace of the “white supremacy” code and rejection of even a notion that black people first mastered astronomy and used the discipline to build Egypt; located in Africa.
Those who control American media must discover for themselves the core of “white supremacy” and eschew it for the good of U.S. world leadership. Otherwise, Blumenbach’s racial inferiority membership will continue their subjugation “hit parade,” even against President Obama.
Euphemisms aside, Henry Fonda’s southern white character in “Roots” called it; “out niggering each other.” However, the new reconstruction choices remain the same; new quest or old legacy.
The arrest of Dr. Gates by police officer Crowley has placed “on the table” for America, a mystery that is wrapped in a conundrum. That is, multiplying “1/2” of the arrest story (Dr.
Gates) by the other “1/2” of the arrest story (officer Crowley) leads into an infinite set of fractional numbers to which there is no answer.
When “The Sun of Ancient Egypt” wisely modified his statement about “police stupidity” he sealed off entry to that endless pit.
His declaration for a national “teachable moment” signifies his understanding of the stars; not a debate over their English, Greek or African name pronunciations.
It is a good thing that the election of Barack Obama to the Office of President of the United States of America, the actions police officer James Crowley, and the African scholarship of Dr. Louis Henry Gates are now aligned in history; as if they are the sun, moon and earth.
For in a rapidly changing world, a “dark eclipse” represents a great teaching moment about the core of “white supremacy,” especially for American media leadership.
Star Struck
Adult's Walk
The Grand Rapids Times
By Marcel Gamble
Many individuals rrepeat the saying, “It’s not where you are from; it’s where you are going.” But, many seem to forget about where they are from.
Like the Jeffersons, when a person is down in life, the only way to go is up.
Once up, however, people should never forget about their surroundings and people that made them who they are.
It’s evident that this happens all the time with music artist, movie stars, and political figures.
As soon as fame and money mold their lives, they quickly forget where they are from.
This is why it’s noticeable when performers put forth their best effort in the beginning of their careers and begin to relax and put forth minimal effort in the middle.
I call this star struck; a lot of people get star struck.
Regular common people get star struck on a daily basis.
It is okay for people to progress in life, and improve their living conditions; but it is not okay for people to gain the mindset to forget where they are from.
Once they forget where they are from, then they forget what God has done for them to get them to where they are.
I’m not saying that you should hold on to the memories of gang involvement, drug addiction, or any other negative activity.
I’m saying that once you improve and get beyond your past life, don’t forget the steps that you had to take.
Once people make decisions that they have to make to better their lives, they become star struck.
After being star struck, people become blinded and they head right back to where they started — because they forget where they are from.
Nice cars and big houses don’t change the way God’s hands molded you.
Money and fancy clothes don’t change the number of chances God has given you.
With this said, I want to say
it’s about where you are from; and it’s also about where you are going. I wish everybody could walk and realize that it doesn’t profit anyone to become star struck.
One for the week: “Those who make peace are happy, because they will be called the sons of God.” Matthew 5:9
The Grand Rapids Times
By Marcel Gamble
Many individuals rrepeat the saying, “It’s not where you are from; it’s where you are going.” But, many seem to forget about where they are from.
Like the Jeffersons, when a person is down in life, the only way to go is up.
Once up, however, people should never forget about their surroundings and people that made them who they are.
It’s evident that this happens all the time with music artist, movie stars, and political figures.
As soon as fame and money mold their lives, they quickly forget where they are from.
This is why it’s noticeable when performers put forth their best effort in the beginning of their careers and begin to relax and put forth minimal effort in the middle.
I call this star struck; a lot of people get star struck.
Regular common people get star struck on a daily basis.
It is okay for people to progress in life, and improve their living conditions; but it is not okay for people to gain the mindset to forget where they are from.
Once they forget where they are from, then they forget what God has done for them to get them to where they are.
I’m not saying that you should hold on to the memories of gang involvement, drug addiction, or any other negative activity.
I’m saying that once you improve and get beyond your past life, don’t forget the steps that you had to take.
Once people make decisions that they have to make to better their lives, they become star struck.
After being star struck, people become blinded and they head right back to where they started — because they forget where they are from.
Nice cars and big houses don’t change the way God’s hands molded you.
Money and fancy clothes don’t change the number of chances God has given you.
With this said, I want to say
it’s about where you are from; and it’s also about where you are going. I wish everybody could walk and realize that it doesn’t profit anyone to become star struck.
One for the week: “Those who make peace are happy, because they will be called the sons of God.” Matthew 5:9
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Keeping Young Black Professionals in Grand Rapids: Whose Job Is It?
The Grand Rapids Times
By: Yvonne Smith, Philana Greene & Chelcee Johns
The ability to retain its young black professionals is an issue that has been under emphasized in Grand Rapids for years. In the midst of the recession, this problem has become more obvious; yet, it has continued to worsen.
A few corporations, businesses — and even some young professionals — have taken steps to address the issue. More needs to be done.
The black community as a whole must see this as a serious issue, must take on more of the responsibility for addressing the problem, and must also contribute to the solution.
Perhaps our efforts should begin with attention to the lack of connectedness between generations.
A better understanding between younger and older generations of professionals in the community can help make the necessary change.
Young adults have to do their part to engage with the community and connect with experienced black professionals.
Many of the young professionals who say opportunity does not exist fail to look for it to begin with. For instance, we personally had not heard of organizations as GRYP and BLEND, but we did not bother to look for them either. Used to things always being readily available to us; especially as college students, young adults assume everything that is out there will be advertised. If an opportunity is right in front of many young adults faces on a silver platter, then they assume that opportunity must not exist.
As young professionals, we have to make the effort to exhaust all possibilities before saying there is nothing here. Before deciding Grand Rapids is not a suitable place for career and personal growth, first determine what change you can make.
It is not just up to young professionals. Experienced professionals, who are established in Grand Rapids, must take an interest in their younger counterparts and make aggressive efforts to attract and retain them.
Most young professionals want to stay in their comfort zone. The ideal situation would be to maintain a career and life in the city where their family and friends are; however, opportunity has got to be present. Young professionals did not go to school to be placed on a waiting list for success, and are anxious for opportunity.
While it is okay to encourage us to go to other places and gain experience, you have to be willing to welcome us back home. Grand Rapids does need new energy in order for the city to further develop, but what is being done to attract that energy?
Many young professionals are taking the initiative; however, no one person canbe successful without the help, or mentoring of someone before them. Businesses and organizations started by young adults have to be backed up and supported. Their efforts made towards improvements have to be accepted; opportunity for advancement has to be available to them; and their “young” voices need to be heard. Most importantly, the change they seem to naturally bring to situations has to be welcomed and encouraged.
Older members of the community must be more open to cultural change. Cultural diversity attracts larger businesses, with more job opportunities, which in turn attracts more young professionals.
You can’t hate on the fact that we’d rather live in cities like Atlanta and Chicago if you’re not willing to compete with those cities, which are the homes of major corporations, colleges/universities, hospitals, law firms, and entertainment industries.
Where do these efforts start? The community must strive to work together. By bridging the gap between the old and the new. Both sides have to come together and express their expectations of one another. If that bridge is built and maintained, even for years to come Grand Rapids will continue to grow.
Whose job do you think it is? Give us your opinion.
By: Yvonne Smith, Philana Greene & Chelcee Johns
The ability to retain its young black professionals is an issue that has been under emphasized in Grand Rapids for years. In the midst of the recession, this problem has become more obvious; yet, it has continued to worsen.
A few corporations, businesses — and even some young professionals — have taken steps to address the issue. More needs to be done.
The black community as a whole must see this as a serious issue, must take on more of the responsibility for addressing the problem, and must also contribute to the solution.
Perhaps our efforts should begin with attention to the lack of connectedness between generations.
A better understanding between younger and older generations of professionals in the community can help make the necessary change.
Young adults have to do their part to engage with the community and connect with experienced black professionals.
Many of the young professionals who say opportunity does not exist fail to look for it to begin with. For instance, we personally had not heard of organizations as GRYP and BLEND, but we did not bother to look for them either. Used to things always being readily available to us; especially as college students, young adults assume everything that is out there will be advertised. If an opportunity is right in front of many young adults faces on a silver platter, then they assume that opportunity must not exist.
As young professionals, we have to make the effort to exhaust all possibilities before saying there is nothing here. Before deciding Grand Rapids is not a suitable place for career and personal growth, first determine what change you can make.
It is not just up to young professionals. Experienced professionals, who are established in Grand Rapids, must take an interest in their younger counterparts and make aggressive efforts to attract and retain them.
Most young professionals want to stay in their comfort zone. The ideal situation would be to maintain a career and life in the city where their family and friends are; however, opportunity has got to be present. Young professionals did not go to school to be placed on a waiting list for success, and are anxious for opportunity.
While it is okay to encourage us to go to other places and gain experience, you have to be willing to welcome us back home. Grand Rapids does need new energy in order for the city to further develop, but what is being done to attract that energy?
Many young professionals are taking the initiative; however, no one person canbe successful without the help, or mentoring of someone before them. Businesses and organizations started by young adults have to be backed up and supported. Their efforts made towards improvements have to be accepted; opportunity for advancement has to be available to them; and their “young” voices need to be heard. Most importantly, the change they seem to naturally bring to situations has to be welcomed and encouraged.
Older members of the community must be more open to cultural change. Cultural diversity attracts larger businesses, with more job opportunities, which in turn attracts more young professionals.
You can’t hate on the fact that we’d rather live in cities like Atlanta and Chicago if you’re not willing to compete with those cities, which are the homes of major corporations, colleges/universities, hospitals, law firms, and entertainment industries.
Where do these efforts start? The community must strive to work together. By bridging the gap between the old and the new. Both sides have to come together and express their expectations of one another. If that bridge is built and maintained, even for years to come Grand Rapids will continue to grow.
Whose job do you think it is? Give us your opinion.
Paw Over My Life
The Grand Rapids Times
Adult's Walk
Marcel Gamble
While I was walking this week I ran into a very unique individual that said, “let me tell you the story of my life.”
For some reason I gave this guy my undivided attention as he projected his story with calm hand gestures.
He said, “I was born in the streets; and while I was growing up, the streets were all I knew.
He said, “My two brothers were always my providers and guardians.I have lived a rough life and have lived in many ghettos across the United States. I have seen things with my eyes that others would go blind from seeing with theirs. My life has unquestionably been a roller costar but I am still here at the age of 20.”
Although this guy is Caucasian and taller than I am, I saw a reflection of myself in another light.
While he continued with his story, I thanked God for saving me when He did.
The man went on to say, “In the streets I watched one of my brother’s die from being shot to death, and I watched the other get his throat slit over drugs.”
Personally, I have seen others get stabbed before and have heard about others being shot; but for some reason, my stomach caved in when this man told me that he watched the only family he had die as they were murdered.
As I closed my eyes in shame the man continued with his story.
He said, “I was left to fend for myself in the streets and that’s what I did.I got a hold of some drugs and I began to sell. Money was coming but my curiosity began to grow about why so many people wanted the drugs that I had.”
He continued, “So one day I decided to try my own product, and I regret it till this day. The day I sampled my drugs was the day I became an addict. I started just by sampling a little bit a day then a little bit turned into large amounts three times a day.”
His life changed drastically.
“After I began using my own product I was unable to make money. As a lonely and unprotected teenager in the most dangerous streets I found shelter under a bridge. I lived day by day searching for food, and looking for little jobs to support my addiction.”
I thought about this man as my reflection again and realized that I have been blessed.
I have been blessed to know both, and have relationships with my biological parents.
I have been blessed to have a home to go to everyday.
I have been blessed to have money for things that I need and a majority of the time for things that I want.
Then I began to wonder. This man and I were both born into ghetto environments. Why has God directed us to go into two different directions?
I asked the man the question and he told me, “Wait because God hasn’t placed us in two different directions, let me finish the story.”
He went on to say, “As I was living life under that bridge one night, I got a visitor that wouldn’t go away. I tried my best to scare the visitor away; but it didn’t work, this cat was stubborn. I woke up the next morning and the cat was still lying next to me and I realized that this cat was just like me. He was lonely, with no family, and no place to go. So I decided that I was going to be family to the cat. However, there was one problem. Because I used money from the odd jobs that I did to support my addiction, I didn’t have any money to provide necessities for the cat. So that day for my new family I had to make a decision —to continue to be a drug addict or support my family. I decided to support my family and right then and there I dropped the drugs because I knew my family had to eat.”
At this moment in the story I thought to myself, this man is right. God never did send us down different directions, He gave us the same routes He just let us decide on which one to take.
The man went on to tell me that he and his family progressed in life the next couple of years.
He said, “With my family, I became a fully recovered drug addict. With my family, I was able to find my fiancé. My cat helped me begin a family of my own. Sadly, shortly after I got back on my two feet, my family was hit by a truck and died instantly. Because of my family I was able to turn my life around.”
When the man finished his story, I took a long hard sigh and I pondered on the thought of Jesus and how He sacrificed His life for us to live.
I wonder if Jesus was in the form of the cat the night when He found the cold boy under the bridge.
This week’s column is dedicated to Kevin.
Words of wisdom for the week: “Never under estimate the power of God when He wants to reach out to you He will in any shape or form.”
Adult's Walk
Marcel Gamble
While I was walking this week I ran into a very unique individual that said, “let me tell you the story of my life.”
For some reason I gave this guy my undivided attention as he projected his story with calm hand gestures.
He said, “I was born in the streets; and while I was growing up, the streets were all I knew.
He said, “My two brothers were always my providers and guardians.I have lived a rough life and have lived in many ghettos across the United States. I have seen things with my eyes that others would go blind from seeing with theirs. My life has unquestionably been a roller costar but I am still here at the age of 20.”
Although this guy is Caucasian and taller than I am, I saw a reflection of myself in another light.
While he continued with his story, I thanked God for saving me when He did.
The man went on to say, “In the streets I watched one of my brother’s die from being shot to death, and I watched the other get his throat slit over drugs.”
Personally, I have seen others get stabbed before and have heard about others being shot; but for some reason, my stomach caved in when this man told me that he watched the only family he had die as they were murdered.
As I closed my eyes in shame the man continued with his story.
He said, “I was left to fend for myself in the streets and that’s what I did.I got a hold of some drugs and I began to sell. Money was coming but my curiosity began to grow about why so many people wanted the drugs that I had.”
He continued, “So one day I decided to try my own product, and I regret it till this day. The day I sampled my drugs was the day I became an addict. I started just by sampling a little bit a day then a little bit turned into large amounts three times a day.”
His life changed drastically.
“After I began using my own product I was unable to make money. As a lonely and unprotected teenager in the most dangerous streets I found shelter under a bridge. I lived day by day searching for food, and looking for little jobs to support my addiction.”
I thought about this man as my reflection again and realized that I have been blessed.
I have been blessed to know both, and have relationships with my biological parents.
I have been blessed to have a home to go to everyday.
I have been blessed to have money for things that I need and a majority of the time for things that I want.
Then I began to wonder. This man and I were both born into ghetto environments. Why has God directed us to go into two different directions?
I asked the man the question and he told me, “Wait because God hasn’t placed us in two different directions, let me finish the story.”
He went on to say, “As I was living life under that bridge one night, I got a visitor that wouldn’t go away. I tried my best to scare the visitor away; but it didn’t work, this cat was stubborn. I woke up the next morning and the cat was still lying next to me and I realized that this cat was just like me. He was lonely, with no family, and no place to go. So I decided that I was going to be family to the cat. However, there was one problem. Because I used money from the odd jobs that I did to support my addiction, I didn’t have any money to provide necessities for the cat. So that day for my new family I had to make a decision —to continue to be a drug addict or support my family. I decided to support my family and right then and there I dropped the drugs because I knew my family had to eat.”
At this moment in the story I thought to myself, this man is right. God never did send us down different directions, He gave us the same routes He just let us decide on which one to take.
The man went on to tell me that he and his family progressed in life the next couple of years.
He said, “With my family, I became a fully recovered drug addict. With my family, I was able to find my fiancé. My cat helped me begin a family of my own. Sadly, shortly after I got back on my two feet, my family was hit by a truck and died instantly. Because of my family I was able to turn my life around.”
When the man finished his story, I took a long hard sigh and I pondered on the thought of Jesus and how He sacrificed His life for us to live.
I wonder if Jesus was in the form of the cat the night when He found the cold boy under the bridge.
This week’s column is dedicated to Kevin.
Words of wisdom for the week: “Never under estimate the power of God when He wants to reach out to you He will in any shape or form.”
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Mr. Abraham Lincoln
Adult's Walk
The Grand Rapids Times
By Marcel Gamble
Throughout the entire week I have found Mr. Abraham Lincoln outside of church, con¬venient stores, my house, and various other locations.
I begin to wonder why a state that is in such a recession isn’t hesitant about throwing away money.
Mr. Abe Lincoln is on the ground when people are filing for bankruptcy on a daily bases.
Mr. Abe Lincoln is on the ground when churches are struggling to find funding to keep their facilities running.
Souls aren’t able to be saved; people are losing the game called life to their component the devil because Mr. Abe is on the ground.
There are individuals who say that they are unable to pay their tithes to the church, but Mr. Abe remains on the ground.
It’s evident that some people clearly have given up on the smaller things in life.
Since people realize that the penny lacks value, they throw it on the ground.
Well, there are other things in life that are being treated just like Mr. Abe Lincoln.
Whatever happened to the value of a relationship between God and a human being?
Unfortunately, I am one of the individuals guilty of treating the relationship that should be valued the most like it’s worth a penny.
I ask myself why am I still a single man, and then I look around me and notice divorces happening left and right.
Marriage isn’t sacred any¬more. We might as well label it Abe Lincoln.
Everywhere I turn my head – to the television, radio, and internet – women are labeled as everything but women.
Some women are respond¬ing to the derogatory terms. It makes me wonder whether there are anymore real women left in the world.
I think Abe Lincoln when I drive through some of my neighboring inner city streets.
However, sometimes I think Benjamin Franklin as well.
I thank everyone who is making the effort to get Abe off of the ground.
I notice Abe on the ground so much that I’m willing to label myself as a hypocrite in some situations.
I see Abe when I plug in my Ipod every morning on my way to work.
I want to pick him up but the lyrics and repetitive beats are just too attractive to my ears.
I see Abe every time I see an attractive woman; but my eyes are too busy sinning that I can’t focus to reach down and get him off the ground.
I see Abe when I get angry and begin to swear; but the words are so appropriate for my mood that I just ignore that he is even on the ground.
We need to begin to place a value on the smaller things in life and learn how to respect them just as we respect the things we value the most.
As long as Abraham Lincoln stays on the ground, this state will continue to be in a reces¬sion.
I don’t want to see anymore Abe Lincoln’s on the ground; I wish to see him valued high.
Relationships with God shouldn’t be forced; people should long for them and be grateful to have such opportu¬nities.
God spent His time creating woman, so women should be respected I want to see them treated like queens.
Ladies respect also should go both ways so stop treating your significant others like Abe Lincoln, get them off the ground.
I don’t want to see Abe on the ground outside of stores, my house, or my church anymore.
I want to see Abraham Lin¬coln in the pockets of every individual that values the smaller things in life.
Make sure you take the time out this week to walk and pick up Mr. Abraham Lincoln.
Email me at marcelgamble@ and let me know if you respect the smaller things in life.
One for the week: Genesis 41:40 “You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you.”
Respect goes a long way, even if someone is giving it to the smaller things in life.
The Grand Rapids Times
By Marcel Gamble
Throughout the entire week I have found Mr. Abraham Lincoln outside of church, con¬venient stores, my house, and various other locations.
I begin to wonder why a state that is in such a recession isn’t hesitant about throwing away money.
Mr. Abe Lincoln is on the ground when people are filing for bankruptcy on a daily bases.
Mr. Abe Lincoln is on the ground when churches are struggling to find funding to keep their facilities running.
Souls aren’t able to be saved; people are losing the game called life to their component the devil because Mr. Abe is on the ground.
There are individuals who say that they are unable to pay their tithes to the church, but Mr. Abe remains on the ground.
It’s evident that some people clearly have given up on the smaller things in life.
Since people realize that the penny lacks value, they throw it on the ground.
Well, there are other things in life that are being treated just like Mr. Abe Lincoln.
Whatever happened to the value of a relationship between God and a human being?
Unfortunately, I am one of the individuals guilty of treating the relationship that should be valued the most like it’s worth a penny.
I ask myself why am I still a single man, and then I look around me and notice divorces happening left and right.
Marriage isn’t sacred any¬more. We might as well label it Abe Lincoln.
Everywhere I turn my head – to the television, radio, and internet – women are labeled as everything but women.
Some women are respond¬ing to the derogatory terms. It makes me wonder whether there are anymore real women left in the world.
I think Abe Lincoln when I drive through some of my neighboring inner city streets.
However, sometimes I think Benjamin Franklin as well.
I thank everyone who is making the effort to get Abe off of the ground.
I notice Abe on the ground so much that I’m willing to label myself as a hypocrite in some situations.
I see Abe when I plug in my Ipod every morning on my way to work.
I want to pick him up but the lyrics and repetitive beats are just too attractive to my ears.
I see Abe every time I see an attractive woman; but my eyes are too busy sinning that I can’t focus to reach down and get him off the ground.
I see Abe when I get angry and begin to swear; but the words are so appropriate for my mood that I just ignore that he is even on the ground.
We need to begin to place a value on the smaller things in life and learn how to respect them just as we respect the things we value the most.
As long as Abraham Lincoln stays on the ground, this state will continue to be in a reces¬sion.
I don’t want to see anymore Abe Lincoln’s on the ground; I wish to see him valued high.
Relationships with God shouldn’t be forced; people should long for them and be grateful to have such opportu¬nities.
God spent His time creating woman, so women should be respected I want to see them treated like queens.
Ladies respect also should go both ways so stop treating your significant others like Abe Lincoln, get them off the ground.
I don’t want to see Abe on the ground outside of stores, my house, or my church anymore.
I want to see Abraham Lin¬coln in the pockets of every individual that values the smaller things in life.
Make sure you take the time out this week to walk and pick up Mr. Abraham Lincoln.
Email me at marcelgamble@ and let me know if you respect the smaller things in life.
One for the week: Genesis 41:40 “You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you.”
Respect goes a long way, even if someone is giving it to the smaller things in life.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The Grand Rapids Times
Adult Walk
By Marcel Gamble
To learn new things and to be able to fulfill certain tasks, we have to be taught new lessons by others.
However, after the new les¬sons it is up to the learner to process the information.
A tattoo permanently is imbedded within 3 to 4 layers of a the skin.
The tattoo becomes a part of the body; and, as imbedded ink, the tattoo becomes a part of a person’s identity.
If someone has ink that is profane, what is that person saying about his or her iden¬tity?
If the ink is so explicit that the person feels the need to hide every day, then what is the sense in getting permanent ink?
People should get tats that they aren’t afraid to share with the world.
People should get tats that they are not hesitant about allowing others to copy.
Tattoos of lessons that are valuable to life are the tats that people should get.
We all have to practice being trendsetters not trend follow¬ers.
Don’t get a tattoo because your friend has it because you don’t know what they have been through to get it.
Many people have numerous pieces of body art that displays their identity, but they have identity crises.
Identity crises come about because, unlike the tattoo that is permanent, the ability to process lessons is momentary.
Some people continuously learn and say that knowledge is key, but they don’t apply their knowledge to life.
A tattoo doesn’t scrape off or wash away; unfortunately, some people are allowing les¬sons to do so.
Sometimes lessons that should be tattooed aren’t; and when a person scrapes off their surface, problems occur.
I am walking this week be¬cause I want to see tattoos of intelligence not ignorance.
I want to see tattoos of the miracles from Jesucristo not tattoos of mischief from the devil.
I let some of my tattoos erase throughout my life; and, ‘til this
day I regret letting them go.
Like the ink that’s within the skin of so many people, the lessons I learned from others growing up should be imbedded in my mind.
It saddens me to see some of my peers tattooing the lessons of how to shoot a gun rather than read a book.
It disturbs me to see my generation teach others how to roll and smoke a blunt rather than teaching others to respect their bodies.
It bothers me to see tattoos of fright as opposed to confidence.
Such permanent markings are the ones that should scrape off or wash off.
I miss the permanence of obedience and respect.
My desire is to see tattoos of accomplishment not failure.
Many of my friends are con¬templating the idea of getting body art.
My advice to them is to get lessons of intrigue and lessons of faith.
Somebody should get the markings of our Lord Jesus and make sure they never wash off.
Someone should get the art of constructive criticism that’s valuable.
Just because body art can be visually seen doesn’t make it more extravagant than lessons that have the potential to be prosperous to someone’s life.
Email me at marcelgamble@ so that we can talk about tattoo options that will be beneficial to you and those around you.
One for the week: Luke 6:5; And He said unto them, The son of man is the Lord of the Sabbath.
Like Jesus chose to be the educator of all, each of us can also be the educator of each.
the witnesses. Are you telling me that there were not towers or dungeons available? Were there not any ships or new countries to be discovered of which these witnesses would have gladly volunteered to go. If you are going to be called the King, then perform like a King. Mr. LeBron James if you do not have time to pay for lessons then check out some PBS specials; I‘m sure you have cable somewhere in your many mansions and castles. Yo King, in the words of Nike…Just Do It. So have a happy week.
Adult Walk
By Marcel Gamble
To learn new things and to be able to fulfill certain tasks, we have to be taught new lessons by others.
However, after the new les¬sons it is up to the learner to process the information.
A tattoo permanently is imbedded within 3 to 4 layers of a the skin.
The tattoo becomes a part of the body; and, as imbedded ink, the tattoo becomes a part of a person’s identity.
If someone has ink that is profane, what is that person saying about his or her iden¬tity?
If the ink is so explicit that the person feels the need to hide every day, then what is the sense in getting permanent ink?
People should get tats that they aren’t afraid to share with the world.
People should get tats that they are not hesitant about allowing others to copy.
Tattoos of lessons that are valuable to life are the tats that people should get.
We all have to practice being trendsetters not trend follow¬ers.
Don’t get a tattoo because your friend has it because you don’t know what they have been through to get it.
Many people have numerous pieces of body art that displays their identity, but they have identity crises.
Identity crises come about because, unlike the tattoo that is permanent, the ability to process lessons is momentary.
Some people continuously learn and say that knowledge is key, but they don’t apply their knowledge to life.
A tattoo doesn’t scrape off or wash away; unfortunately, some people are allowing les¬sons to do so.
Sometimes lessons that should be tattooed aren’t; and when a person scrapes off their surface, problems occur.
I am walking this week be¬cause I want to see tattoos of intelligence not ignorance.
I want to see tattoos of the miracles from Jesucristo not tattoos of mischief from the devil.
I let some of my tattoos erase throughout my life; and, ‘til this
day I regret letting them go.
Like the ink that’s within the skin of so many people, the lessons I learned from others growing up should be imbedded in my mind.
It saddens me to see some of my peers tattooing the lessons of how to shoot a gun rather than read a book.
It disturbs me to see my generation teach others how to roll and smoke a blunt rather than teaching others to respect their bodies.
It bothers me to see tattoos of fright as opposed to confidence.
Such permanent markings are the ones that should scrape off or wash off.
I miss the permanence of obedience and respect.
My desire is to see tattoos of accomplishment not failure.
Many of my friends are con¬templating the idea of getting body art.
My advice to them is to get lessons of intrigue and lessons of faith.
Somebody should get the markings of our Lord Jesus and make sure they never wash off.
Someone should get the art of constructive criticism that’s valuable.
Just because body art can be visually seen doesn’t make it more extravagant than lessons that have the potential to be prosperous to someone’s life.
Email me at marcelgamble@ so that we can talk about tattoo options that will be beneficial to you and those around you.
One for the week: Luke 6:5; And He said unto them, The son of man is the Lord of the Sabbath.
Like Jesus chose to be the educator of all, each of us can also be the educator of each.
the witnesses. Are you telling me that there were not towers or dungeons available? Were there not any ships or new countries to be discovered of which these witnesses would have gladly volunteered to go. If you are going to be called the King, then perform like a King. Mr. LeBron James if you do not have time to pay for lessons then check out some PBS specials; I‘m sure you have cable somewhere in your many mansions and castles. Yo King, in the words of Nike…Just Do It. So have a happy week.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Grand Rapids Alumni Have A Job To Do
The Grand Rapids Times
Adult's Walk
By Marcel Gamble
Many of you might have seen this picture before or might have dreamed of it before; but to refresh your memory, like a talented artist, I’m going to paint this picture.
With bright colors and sharp edges ,this painting displays a being that has been blessed with an abundance amount of success.
To draw this person I am using the sharpest lead along with the newest paints.
The individual in the paint¬ing is flawless.
The finest clothes ever made by man are wrapped around this person’s body.
Precious diamond jewelry is on the hands, neck, and wrist of this successful person.
Everything about the indi¬vidual in the painting is perfect – symbolizing that the person in the painting has made it in life.
However, the background of this painting doesn’t co¬ordinate with the exuberant flawless being.
The background is dark and gloomy because it symbolizes the life that the alumni in the painting came from and doesn’t want to venture back to.
Many of you might have seen this picture before or might have dreamed of it before; but to refresh your memory, like a talented artist, I’m going to paint this picture.
With bright colors and sharp edges ,this painting displays a being that has been blessed with an abundance amount of success.
To draw this person I am using the sharpest lead along with the newest paints.
The individual in the paint¬ing is flawless.
The finest clothes ever made by man are wrapped around this person’s body.
Precious diamond jewelry is on the hands, neck, and wrist of this successful person.
Everything about the indi¬vidual in the painting is perfect – symbolizing that the person in the painting has made it in life.
However, the background of this painting doesn’t co¬ordinate with the exuberant flawless being.
The background is dark and gloomy because it symbolizes the life that the alumni in the painting came from and doesn’t want to venture back to.
I am walking this week to express the fact that it is good that many of us are progressing and becoming young profes¬sionals.
But it is not good that many of us are becoming successful and forgetting where we come from.
We can’t live and act as if we are a priceless painting; we have to live life to be an aide to others.
If you are from the hood and you become somebody doesn’t mean you have to constantly run from what built you into the person that you are today.
If you know that it’s difficult to become a young professional because of your residence, then why would you turn your back on the generations behind you that are attempting to be suc cessful as well?
I call that being a painter without the right tools.
You can’t be someone who leaves the hood and then try to preach to others about being successful.
I’m not saying that you shouldn’t experience life beyond where you are from.
I am saying that where you are from shouldn’t be forgotten.
Just as you may have struggled coming up, you can believe that there is someone else struggling even more to be somebody.
We as young professionals now have to be alumni.
We have to stop wasting our breath with talk; and, honestly, we have to begin to walk.
It’s understandable that everyone has something in their past that they would like to forget, but we all have to remember that when we bury our past, we are throwing away someone’s future.
I want to be able to paint a picture with a lively being and a brilliant background.
However, I am incapable of painting such a piece by myself.
As alumni of Grand Rapids, Michigan we all should be able to indulge in creating a masterpiece for others to envision.
We can change the canvas known as struggling Grand Rapids into the canvas known as alumni helping Grand Rapids.
Many of us are high school graduates of some of the schools that are struggling financially and academically.
We can all paint a different picture.
As alumni, we can give back even if it is just a dollar a week or mentoring to students that need guidance.
So many others looked out for us when we were younger and provided the re-enforcement that we needed to get us where we are today.
As alumni, it is our jobs to return the favor and do the same for future leaders.
Pick up the paintbrushes and let’s walk.
One for the week: “Be sure your love is true love. Hate what is sinful. Hold on to whatever is good.” _ Romans 12:9
Adult's Walk
By Marcel Gamble
Many of you might have seen this picture before or might have dreamed of it before; but to refresh your memory, like a talented artist, I’m going to paint this picture.
With bright colors and sharp edges ,this painting displays a being that has been blessed with an abundance amount of success.
To draw this person I am using the sharpest lead along with the newest paints.
The individual in the paint¬ing is flawless.
The finest clothes ever made by man are wrapped around this person’s body.
Precious diamond jewelry is on the hands, neck, and wrist of this successful person.
Everything about the indi¬vidual in the painting is perfect – symbolizing that the person in the painting has made it in life.
However, the background of this painting doesn’t co¬ordinate with the exuberant flawless being.
The background is dark and gloomy because it symbolizes the life that the alumni in the painting came from and doesn’t want to venture back to.
Many of you might have seen this picture before or might have dreamed of it before; but to refresh your memory, like a talented artist, I’m going to paint this picture.
With bright colors and sharp edges ,this painting displays a being that has been blessed with an abundance amount of success.
To draw this person I am using the sharpest lead along with the newest paints.
The individual in the paint¬ing is flawless.
The finest clothes ever made by man are wrapped around this person’s body.
Precious diamond jewelry is on the hands, neck, and wrist of this successful person.
Everything about the indi¬vidual in the painting is perfect – symbolizing that the person in the painting has made it in life.
However, the background of this painting doesn’t co¬ordinate with the exuberant flawless being.
The background is dark and gloomy because it symbolizes the life that the alumni in the painting came from and doesn’t want to venture back to.
I am walking this week to express the fact that it is good that many of us are progressing and becoming young profes¬sionals.
But it is not good that many of us are becoming successful and forgetting where we come from.
We can’t live and act as if we are a priceless painting; we have to live life to be an aide to others.
If you are from the hood and you become somebody doesn’t mean you have to constantly run from what built you into the person that you are today.
If you know that it’s difficult to become a young professional because of your residence, then why would you turn your back on the generations behind you that are attempting to be suc cessful as well?
I call that being a painter without the right tools.
You can’t be someone who leaves the hood and then try to preach to others about being successful.
I’m not saying that you shouldn’t experience life beyond where you are from.
I am saying that where you are from shouldn’t be forgotten.
Just as you may have struggled coming up, you can believe that there is someone else struggling even more to be somebody.
We as young professionals now have to be alumni.
We have to stop wasting our breath with talk; and, honestly, we have to begin to walk.
It’s understandable that everyone has something in their past that they would like to forget, but we all have to remember that when we bury our past, we are throwing away someone’s future.
I want to be able to paint a picture with a lively being and a brilliant background.
However, I am incapable of painting such a piece by myself.
As alumni of Grand Rapids, Michigan we all should be able to indulge in creating a masterpiece for others to envision.
We can change the canvas known as struggling Grand Rapids into the canvas known as alumni helping Grand Rapids.
Many of us are high school graduates of some of the schools that are struggling financially and academically.
We can all paint a different picture.
As alumni, we can give back even if it is just a dollar a week or mentoring to students that need guidance.
So many others looked out for us when we were younger and provided the re-enforcement that we needed to get us where we are today.
As alumni, it is our jobs to return the favor and do the same for future leaders.
Pick up the paintbrushes and let’s walk.
One for the week: “Be sure your love is true love. Hate what is sinful. Hold on to whatever is good.” _ Romans 12:9
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Neglected Pan
Adult's Walk
The Grand Rapids Times
by Marcel Gamble
I open up the loaf of bread, and the first thing I do is reach to the back of the loaf to grab the end piece.
After I get the end piece, I throw it directly in the trash.
I don’t stop to think about how it tastes. I just simply see that it is different than the rest, and I dispose of it.
The end piece that I constantly throw away is made by the same company and formulated from the same yeast as the rest of the loaf.
Why is the end piece of the loaf thrown out by millions of people?
Why is it treated differently from the rest of the bread within the loaf?
This week I am walking to answer this question.
The end piece is treated differently because it’s not shaped like the others.
It is flat and it doesn’t have the crust that so many people love.
However, that doesn’t change the fact that it comes in the same loaf as the other pieces. Why is it treated differently?
Unfortunately, some people are treated just like the end piece of bread – equality is forgotten and all fairness is ignored.
As an example, because of a corrupted law system, the end piece of bread is thrown out on regular bases.
There is an inner city resident that is the age of 18 who is caught by police officials growing 200 marijuana plants.
He is locked up only to undergo a trial that will take away the next seven years of his life.
A week later, there is a well-known individual who is loved by hundreds of people who is also caught growing 200 plants of marijuana.
This individual undergoes a trial that allows him to walk away with just the order to do 240 hours of community service, undergo drug testing, attend Narcotics anonymous, and submit to police searches.
In the above scenarios, who is being treated like the end piece of bread and who is being treated like the piece of bread with a crust?
I didn’t have to waste my time creating such an example because such injustice is occurring in real life.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have the opportunity to interview the individual that some are calling lucky this week.
However, I know that Grand Rapids sports writer David Mayo has been treated like the piece of bread that has a crust and not like the end piece.
Personally, I believe that if laws are set and consequences are made for laws that are broken, then everyone who breaks laws should be forced to endure the consequences.
It should matter if you are well known or a nobody.
It shouldn’t matter if you are a thug or a corporate professional.
It shouldn’t matter if you are black, white, rich, or poor.
If people commit the same crime, then they should do the same amount of time.
As a religious individual, I believe that God has reasoning for allowing writer David Mayo a second chance.
I also believe that I have been punished lightly for some things that I have done in the past as well, but that doesn’t change the fact that equality isn’t present anymore in the world of justice.
How am I able to trust law enforcement now that I know that I’m going to be treated like the end piece of bread while others that are well known are treated like pieces of bread with crust?
What will this do to upcoming generations when they realize that they are subjected to be thrown out like the end piece in the loaf?
My words to David Mayo are, “I’m not furious at you for getting a lighter sentence then what you should have gotten. I’m mad at the corrupted justice system for giving others more strenuous sentences for the same crime.
God has given you another chance, now it is your turn to do Him a favor. As a walking testimony, you should take the time out and explain to others that just because your consequences for your actions were light doesn’t meant that theirs will be if they make the same mistake. Explain to others that your light sentence doesn’t make your crime expectable.
My words for the Grand Rapids Justice system is stop treating people like they are end pieces of bread. If it’s the system’s choice to treat people like the end pieces in bread loaves, then it’s only right to treat every criminal the same.
I would love to see a correct law system whether than see a neglected pan.
Email me at marcelgamble@ and share with me your thoughts on this issue.
One for the week: “And the preist answered David, and said, there is no common bread under my hand, but there is holy bread.”_ 1Samuel 21:4
The Grand Rapids Times
by Marcel Gamble
I open up the loaf of bread, and the first thing I do is reach to the back of the loaf to grab the end piece.
After I get the end piece, I throw it directly in the trash.
I don’t stop to think about how it tastes. I just simply see that it is different than the rest, and I dispose of it.
The end piece that I constantly throw away is made by the same company and formulated from the same yeast as the rest of the loaf.
Why is the end piece of the loaf thrown out by millions of people?
Why is it treated differently from the rest of the bread within the loaf?
This week I am walking to answer this question.
The end piece is treated differently because it’s not shaped like the others.
It is flat and it doesn’t have the crust that so many people love.
However, that doesn’t change the fact that it comes in the same loaf as the other pieces. Why is it treated differently?
Unfortunately, some people are treated just like the end piece of bread – equality is forgotten and all fairness is ignored.
As an example, because of a corrupted law system, the end piece of bread is thrown out on regular bases.
There is an inner city resident that is the age of 18 who is caught by police officials growing 200 marijuana plants.
He is locked up only to undergo a trial that will take away the next seven years of his life.
A week later, there is a well-known individual who is loved by hundreds of people who is also caught growing 200 plants of marijuana.
This individual undergoes a trial that allows him to walk away with just the order to do 240 hours of community service, undergo drug testing, attend Narcotics anonymous, and submit to police searches.
In the above scenarios, who is being treated like the end piece of bread and who is being treated like the piece of bread with a crust?
I didn’t have to waste my time creating such an example because such injustice is occurring in real life.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have the opportunity to interview the individual that some are calling lucky this week.
However, I know that Grand Rapids sports writer David Mayo has been treated like the piece of bread that has a crust and not like the end piece.
Personally, I believe that if laws are set and consequences are made for laws that are broken, then everyone who breaks laws should be forced to endure the consequences.
It should matter if you are well known or a nobody.
It shouldn’t matter if you are a thug or a corporate professional.
It shouldn’t matter if you are black, white, rich, or poor.
If people commit the same crime, then they should do the same amount of time.
As a religious individual, I believe that God has reasoning for allowing writer David Mayo a second chance.
I also believe that I have been punished lightly for some things that I have done in the past as well, but that doesn’t change the fact that equality isn’t present anymore in the world of justice.
How am I able to trust law enforcement now that I know that I’m going to be treated like the end piece of bread while others that are well known are treated like pieces of bread with crust?
What will this do to upcoming generations when they realize that they are subjected to be thrown out like the end piece in the loaf?
My words to David Mayo are, “I’m not furious at you for getting a lighter sentence then what you should have gotten. I’m mad at the corrupted justice system for giving others more strenuous sentences for the same crime.
God has given you another chance, now it is your turn to do Him a favor. As a walking testimony, you should take the time out and explain to others that just because your consequences for your actions were light doesn’t meant that theirs will be if they make the same mistake. Explain to others that your light sentence doesn’t make your crime expectable.
My words for the Grand Rapids Justice system is stop treating people like they are end pieces of bread. If it’s the system’s choice to treat people like the end pieces in bread loaves, then it’s only right to treat every criminal the same.
I would love to see a correct law system whether than see a neglected pan.
Email me at marcelgamble@ and share with me your thoughts on this issue.
One for the week: “And the preist answered David, and said, there is no common bread under my hand, but there is holy bread.”_ 1Samuel 21:4
Friday, April 10, 2009
Adult's Walk - I Will Miss You
By Marcel Gamble
It’s evident that we all have moments when we bear in mind good times and mourn over bad times.
No matter what our memories may be many of us want to hold on to them and savor them like a tropical drink that we never want to forget. In our minds we want to play memories over and over again so they lock in our brains like unforgettable songs with incredible beats.
In order to progress in life, people have to use the past as a reference point as well as let it go.
There is no doubt about it, I will deeply miss you.
You have given me hope for the future, as well as provide one for me. You have guided me to my best friend, “God” when I needed him the most.
I will miss you.
You have given others hope; wisdom, and courage during their most troubling times. Before your arrival to save me, I was a dumbfound little boy and now I am a Christian, educated, young African American male.
For the most crucial years of my life you have encouraged me to fight against statistics instead of becoming a part of statistics.
I will miss you because literally you have saved me.
Intellectual Dr. Cornell West; once said, “Sometimes you have to die before you are able to successfully live.”
People have to let things go, so in order for me and others to progress in life I’m sad to say that I have to let you go.
If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have been able to look out of my window in my neighborhood and discover that the streets were definitely somewhere that I didn’t want to be.
If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have been able to realize that the kicks I rock on my feet are able to serve for good purposes while looking fresh.
To be honest if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be able to discuss with others about the significance of a half full glass and the importance of a full one.
My friend I will miss you.
I will miss you, but I have to let you go.
For years you have paved the way for me to excel in life, so that I can help others succeed in life. Now that I am getting older my friend I must move on.
I will still reach out to everyone just as I did as a teen but as of today, April 8th, 2009 I am an adult.
Teens voice their opinions pertaining to issues that they are passionate about, but adults walk. Since I am no longer a teen my friend I have to do more than talk I have to walk.
Teens talk but adults walk and that’s exactly what I am going to do.
I owe everything to you, “Teens talk,” you have been there when I have needed you the most.
This is killing me, but parts of me must die in order for me to move on.
You have found people in dark alleys, gave them light, and led them down righteous paths when they have needed you the most.
My friend I will miss you.
Yes there are teens searching to talk, but as they speak there are also adults searching for ways to learn how to walk.
So my friend I will miss you but I must move on.
God is encouraging me to seek out the leaders of tomorrow as well as lift up the leaders of today. I will miss you but my friend, my mission to serve God and my peers has changed tremendously.
I now have the passion not to just talk but to also walk.
So to all of my faithful readers, this is not goodbye my friends this is hello to a new beginning.
So you all can say hello to “Adults Walk.”
“Teens Talk,” my friend, I will miss you.
I’m going to leave you all with this; “All great things must come to an end to allow greater things to have the opportunity to live.”
It’s evident that we all have moments when we bear in mind good times and mourn over bad times.
No matter what our memories may be many of us want to hold on to them and savor them like a tropical drink that we never want to forget. In our minds we want to play memories over and over again so they lock in our brains like unforgettable songs with incredible beats.
In order to progress in life, people have to use the past as a reference point as well as let it go.
There is no doubt about it, I will deeply miss you.
You have given me hope for the future, as well as provide one for me. You have guided me to my best friend, “God” when I needed him the most.
I will miss you.
You have given others hope; wisdom, and courage during their most troubling times. Before your arrival to save me, I was a dumbfound little boy and now I am a Christian, educated, young African American male.
For the most crucial years of my life you have encouraged me to fight against statistics instead of becoming a part of statistics.
I will miss you because literally you have saved me.
Intellectual Dr. Cornell West; once said, “Sometimes you have to die before you are able to successfully live.”
People have to let things go, so in order for me and others to progress in life I’m sad to say that I have to let you go.
If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have been able to look out of my window in my neighborhood and discover that the streets were definitely somewhere that I didn’t want to be.
If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have been able to realize that the kicks I rock on my feet are able to serve for good purposes while looking fresh.
To be honest if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be able to discuss with others about the significance of a half full glass and the importance of a full one.
My friend I will miss you.
I will miss you, but I have to let you go.
For years you have paved the way for me to excel in life, so that I can help others succeed in life. Now that I am getting older my friend I must move on.
I will still reach out to everyone just as I did as a teen but as of today, April 8th, 2009 I am an adult.
Teens voice their opinions pertaining to issues that they are passionate about, but adults walk. Since I am no longer a teen my friend I have to do more than talk I have to walk.
Teens talk but adults walk and that’s exactly what I am going to do.
I owe everything to you, “Teens talk,” you have been there when I have needed you the most.
This is killing me, but parts of me must die in order for me to move on.
You have found people in dark alleys, gave them light, and led them down righteous paths when they have needed you the most.
My friend I will miss you.
Yes there are teens searching to talk, but as they speak there are also adults searching for ways to learn how to walk.
So my friend I will miss you but I must move on.
God is encouraging me to seek out the leaders of tomorrow as well as lift up the leaders of today. I will miss you but my friend, my mission to serve God and my peers has changed tremendously.
I now have the passion not to just talk but to also walk.
So to all of my faithful readers, this is not goodbye my friends this is hello to a new beginning.
So you all can say hello to “Adults Walk.”
“Teens Talk,” my friend, I will miss you.
I’m going to leave you all with this; “All great things must come to an end to allow greater things to have the opportunity to live.”
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Teens Talk - On My MP3 Player
The Grand Rapids Times
By Marcel Gamble
Wow I have music that gives me hope and shows me joy. I have music that takes me back and reminds me of old times.
There is music on my mp3 player that keeps me happy when I am mad and music that constantly reminds me why I am sad.
There are the songs that I love to dance to. I have music for days but the songs on my mp3 player in no way are equivalent to the song that is in my heart.
About a year ago I talked to you all about a song that was on my grandmother’s heart. Well now a year later there is a song on my heart.
Usually, songs that people love are ones that have unforgettable beats that keep their feet moving. Well I don’t need to turn on my mp3 player in order to hear the beat that I like.
My song doesn’t speak of a green light but it does mention a booming economy.
The song that is on my heart doesn’t refer to any popping of Champaign or Putting on for my city, but it does bring upon the idea of the expansion of my city.
It brings a smile to my face because the beat to my song has a rhythm like no other.
My song isn’t blessed lyrically by Lil Wayne or T-Pain but in a lyrical sense it can’t be touched.
I guarantee that no one will be able to turn on their mp3 player and find a song like mine.
The lyrics give hope to those who have lost their jobs and to those who are at stake of loosing their jobs.
Man, thank you Grandma because this song is better then any song that I ever wrote or listened to, its so great that I want to share it with others just like you shared yours with me.
No Name is what I am going to call it, because a song as great as mine really is too remarkable to name.
I wish everyone can hear the song that I hear, quit searching for it on your mp3 players because it is located in your heart. Can you hear it? The lyrics are about struggling families that no longer have to struggle anymore.
Its about future college students finding scholarships to pay for their education, yeah that’s what it sounds like.
It reminds me of Marvin Gaye with his Ohh Child anthem, and a little like R Kelly’s I Can Fly hit. No maybe it resembles Marvin Sapp’s I Never Could Have Made It song.
The following songs are good but I change my mind because my song is one of a kind.
Wow it makes me feel like I feel when God wakes me up every morning to see a new day.
I wish people can hear this song when they are facing a long lay off period from their job.
I long for others to hear this song before they decide to cut the heat off on a 93 year old man and allow him to freeze to death in his own house.
Real Talk, I dream that some of you young individuals hear this song before you think that you can make a career out of gangbanging, and drug dealing.
Man, I hope everyone who is in pursuit of making wrong decisions would hear this song and be inspired to make the right decisions.
I’m going to leave you all with this, For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).
God gave up his son to save the world so the least that we can do is to put down the mp3 players and began to share the song from our hearts to others.
By Marcel Gamble
Wow I have music that gives me hope and shows me joy. I have music that takes me back and reminds me of old times.
There is music on my mp3 player that keeps me happy when I am mad and music that constantly reminds me why I am sad.
There are the songs that I love to dance to. I have music for days but the songs on my mp3 player in no way are equivalent to the song that is in my heart.
About a year ago I talked to you all about a song that was on my grandmother’s heart. Well now a year later there is a song on my heart.
Usually, songs that people love are ones that have unforgettable beats that keep their feet moving. Well I don’t need to turn on my mp3 player in order to hear the beat that I like.
My song doesn’t speak of a green light but it does mention a booming economy.
The song that is on my heart doesn’t refer to any popping of Champaign or Putting on for my city, but it does bring upon the idea of the expansion of my city.
It brings a smile to my face because the beat to my song has a rhythm like no other.
My song isn’t blessed lyrically by Lil Wayne or T-Pain but in a lyrical sense it can’t be touched.
I guarantee that no one will be able to turn on their mp3 player and find a song like mine.
The lyrics give hope to those who have lost their jobs and to those who are at stake of loosing their jobs.
Man, thank you Grandma because this song is better then any song that I ever wrote or listened to, its so great that I want to share it with others just like you shared yours with me.
No Name is what I am going to call it, because a song as great as mine really is too remarkable to name.
I wish everyone can hear the song that I hear, quit searching for it on your mp3 players because it is located in your heart. Can you hear it? The lyrics are about struggling families that no longer have to struggle anymore.
Its about future college students finding scholarships to pay for their education, yeah that’s what it sounds like.
It reminds me of Marvin Gaye with his Ohh Child anthem, and a little like R Kelly’s I Can Fly hit. No maybe it resembles Marvin Sapp’s I Never Could Have Made It song.
The following songs are good but I change my mind because my song is one of a kind.
Wow it makes me feel like I feel when God wakes me up every morning to see a new day.
I wish people can hear this song when they are facing a long lay off period from their job.
I long for others to hear this song before they decide to cut the heat off on a 93 year old man and allow him to freeze to death in his own house.
Real Talk, I dream that some of you young individuals hear this song before you think that you can make a career out of gangbanging, and drug dealing.
Man, I hope everyone who is in pursuit of making wrong decisions would hear this song and be inspired to make the right decisions.
I’m going to leave you all with this, For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).
God gave up his son to save the world so the least that we can do is to put down the mp3 players and began to share the song from our hearts to others.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Teens Talk - The Pros and Cons of College
The Grand Rapids Times
By Marcel Gamble
Many of you all are already in college or you plan to attend college soon.
To be real with everyone I am not capable of giving you an exact example of what experience you will take from college because in all honesty college is what you make it to be.
Lately I have had a few people ask me to give them advice on how to have successful college careers, and my advice has been the same advice people have given me for years; you have to crawl before you can walk.
Before you can speak you have to obtain a vocabulary.
Before you can write you have to learn the alphabet.
College isn’t any different. Before you attend you have to equip yourself with three things; God, discernment, and willingness to learn new things.
I’m going to be honest the reasoning for equipping yourself with God is because College is no different than the rest of the world. In college there are people who will try to deprive your life of God, people who will be working daily to strip you of everything that you believe in.
I call these people wishers because they wish they can gain possession over everything that a person owns even the pureness of someone’s soul.
During college God will also help you get through challenging times such as endless disputes with others, depression, and personal battles with faith.
Having discernment is a part of crawling because as much as college is about academics it is also about making successful choices. No one can expect to make the choice to party every night and then expect to be attentive in class the next morning.
Discernment is also about choosing the right people to hang with to be influences in your life. If you know that your boy goes to class during the day and sells drugs at night it probably wouldn’t be a smart idea to hang too tuff with your boy if you have goals in life.
It is a humorous saying but what monkey sees monkey will do.
As soon as you believe that you are strong enough to be around such corruption you will to become corrupted before you can even realize it.
One last thing that you must equip yourself with is the willingness to want to learn.
You can’t expect to do well academically in college if you enter college with a closed mind.
College isn’t like grade school no one is going to force you to do anything so if you choose to be lazy then no doubt, your grades will reflect that.
The professors in college are not there to hold your hand they are there to give you an education so that you may progress in life.
My advice to everyone is to crawl before you walk meaning prepare yourself for everything that you do in life. Don’t just jump into things expecting to be successful because you will fail.
Take it from somebody who has failed and picked himself back up to be successful.
Crawl before you walk, and become whatever you vision yourself being.
I’m going to leave you with this; “Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it,” he said (Luke 18:17).
By Marcel Gamble
Many of you all are already in college or you plan to attend college soon.
To be real with everyone I am not capable of giving you an exact example of what experience you will take from college because in all honesty college is what you make it to be.
Lately I have had a few people ask me to give them advice on how to have successful college careers, and my advice has been the same advice people have given me for years; you have to crawl before you can walk.
Before you can speak you have to obtain a vocabulary.
Before you can write you have to learn the alphabet.
College isn’t any different. Before you attend you have to equip yourself with three things; God, discernment, and willingness to learn new things.
I’m going to be honest the reasoning for equipping yourself with God is because College is no different than the rest of the world. In college there are people who will try to deprive your life of God, people who will be working daily to strip you of everything that you believe in.
I call these people wishers because they wish they can gain possession over everything that a person owns even the pureness of someone’s soul.
During college God will also help you get through challenging times such as endless disputes with others, depression, and personal battles with faith.
Having discernment is a part of crawling because as much as college is about academics it is also about making successful choices. No one can expect to make the choice to party every night and then expect to be attentive in class the next morning.
Discernment is also about choosing the right people to hang with to be influences in your life. If you know that your boy goes to class during the day and sells drugs at night it probably wouldn’t be a smart idea to hang too tuff with your boy if you have goals in life.
It is a humorous saying but what monkey sees monkey will do.
As soon as you believe that you are strong enough to be around such corruption you will to become corrupted before you can even realize it.
One last thing that you must equip yourself with is the willingness to want to learn.
You can’t expect to do well academically in college if you enter college with a closed mind.
College isn’t like grade school no one is going to force you to do anything so if you choose to be lazy then no doubt, your grades will reflect that.
The professors in college are not there to hold your hand they are there to give you an education so that you may progress in life.
My advice to everyone is to crawl before you walk meaning prepare yourself for everything that you do in life. Don’t just jump into things expecting to be successful because you will fail.
Take it from somebody who has failed and picked himself back up to be successful.
Crawl before you walk, and become whatever you vision yourself being.
I’m going to leave you with this; “Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it,” he said (Luke 18:17).
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Teens Talk - Sold Out
The Grand Rapids Times
By Marcel Gamble
It is always depressing to find out that there aren’t anymore tickets available to a movie that you really want to see.
All week, you make plans to see the movie on its opening night only to be left disappointed at the end of the week when the movie is sold out.
Motion pictures aren’t the only things that some procrastinators miss out on.
People that wait until the last minute to purchase tickets, undoubtedly, will miss out on the greatness that life has to offer.
Some people missed out on participating in the year of 2008 because tickets to this year were sold out.
Some missed out on pursuing their dreams because no tickets were available.
Some people missed out on furthering their education because they did not believe that it was important to buy a ticket.
One very important show that ticketless people weren’t able to see this year was the show of Barack Obama our president elect being chosen.
If you missed out on Show 2008, it is up to you not to miss out on the show of 2009.
Make 2009 your year to succeed; become somebody if you feel you aren’t anybody.
Make it a priority to accomplish the dreams and goals that you have visions of accomplishing.
2009 is definitely not a show that should be missed.
Buy your ticket now if you haven’t already, because the show is beginning.
If you don’t get a ticket to view '09 then you will be stuck watching '08 repeatedly, you’ll have to keep wasting your money to be entertained with the same material.
Back in the beginning of '08, I told you all to get in the car and drive.
Now, I’m telling you all to purchase a ticket.
It is your choice to remain in '08 and overcome the current financial situation that you may be in.
It is your choice to mend the family issues that you experienced in '08 so that you can enjoy your family in 09.
For those who keep running from God, you can continue to run from God if you want to face the same hardships in '09 that you faced in '08.
There is a limited nimber of tickets available and the premiere of '09 will be sold out.
2009 is coming, and the show will begin with or without you being there.
I’m going to leave you all with this; Deuteronomy 31:6
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
If you are afraid to purchase a ticket and move on with your life do not worry, God has your back in everything that you do.
By Marcel Gamble
It is always depressing to find out that there aren’t anymore tickets available to a movie that you really want to see.
All week, you make plans to see the movie on its opening night only to be left disappointed at the end of the week when the movie is sold out.
Motion pictures aren’t the only things that some procrastinators miss out on.
People that wait until the last minute to purchase tickets, undoubtedly, will miss out on the greatness that life has to offer.
Some people missed out on participating in the year of 2008 because tickets to this year were sold out.
Some missed out on pursuing their dreams because no tickets were available.
Some people missed out on furthering their education because they did not believe that it was important to buy a ticket.
One very important show that ticketless people weren’t able to see this year was the show of Barack Obama our president elect being chosen.
If you missed out on Show 2008, it is up to you not to miss out on the show of 2009.
Make 2009 your year to succeed; become somebody if you feel you aren’t anybody.
Make it a priority to accomplish the dreams and goals that you have visions of accomplishing.
2009 is definitely not a show that should be missed.
Buy your ticket now if you haven’t already, because the show is beginning.
If you don’t get a ticket to view '09 then you will be stuck watching '08 repeatedly, you’ll have to keep wasting your money to be entertained with the same material.
Back in the beginning of '08, I told you all to get in the car and drive.
Now, I’m telling you all to purchase a ticket.
It is your choice to remain in '08 and overcome the current financial situation that you may be in.
It is your choice to mend the family issues that you experienced in '08 so that you can enjoy your family in 09.
For those who keep running from God, you can continue to run from God if you want to face the same hardships in '09 that you faced in '08.
There is a limited nimber of tickets available and the premiere of '09 will be sold out.
2009 is coming, and the show will begin with or without you being there.
I’m going to leave you all with this; Deuteronomy 31:6
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
If you are afraid to purchase a ticket and move on with your life do not worry, God has your back in everything that you do.
O's Sportslite
The Grand Rapids Times
By o.b.
Done deal, the Detroit Lions have made history and now the fun and work begins. I do wish that all the fans and experts who want to lay blame, would take a page from the Japanese Philosophy which is to not dwell on the who did it but how to fix it better. How do the people in charge make the Lions better? I am kind of dark so it might be hard to see but I will talk and yell until I am blue in the face, “Do Not draft a quarterback with your first five picks!” People will and are telling the Lions that they need to draft that big name quarterback who will bring fans back to Ford Field. That was done with Joey Harrington and we know the history on that number one pick. Lay the bricks for the foundation on the New Detroit Lions with offense and defense linemen. Have a vent day at Ford Field where fans can come, buy food and libations as they yell how the Lions stink, the owner is a bum, Millen was a pimp, the personnel department, scouts and all coaches should be placed in a automobile crusher. There could be pictures up of Bill Ford and members of the Detroit Lions and for a dollar a throw, fans could thrown foam bricks at the pictures. Fans could kick stuff/ foamy footballs, for a dollar to help release pent-up frustration. The Lions can have an open mike so all comedians can crack jokes on the Lions and their season. After this venting session is over have a priest to come in to do an exorcism and then have religious leaders of every denomination cone forward to lead the fans in prayer for orgiveness and a new successful era for the Detroit Lions. The bottom-line is that the Lions need a PLAN, implemented by wise, intelligent and good vision football people. I have no issues with keeping personnel who know all the things that the Lions did that didn’t work, which means they can advise others on what not to do. The Detroit Lions going 0-16 is not a major catastrophe or State of Michigan tragedy; it’s just a losing season like 11 other teams. Yes football history majors can write terms and research papers as well as novels about this 0-16 season but other than this season of woe anything else is a frustration boat being towed. Fans need to focus on the big picture on who shall lead the Lions out of this pit which is located deep in the forest of gloom & doom. Life will go on and the sun shall rise in the morning for the Detroit Lions. One needs to believe and have faith in the good and positive. If you take time to reflect, remember that is was only a couple of years ago when fans and experts were saying the same cruel jokes and statements about the Detroit Tigers. Yes, take a look at the Tigers now. This took place after they obtain intelligent baseball people to lead the Tiger Organization and implement their plan of attack. I have faith that since the Detroit Lions have fallen as low as a team can go that they now will say “enough is enough”; its time for us to put some teeth marks on teams. Sounds like a fairy tale but I’m guilty of clicking my heels three times, saying I believe, putting my tooth under my pillow and writing Santa the Claus, so bring on the smiles but I see some light. Oh, just in case you wonder if I think outside the box, my next choice for the Lions’ head coach would be a gentlemen who just got fired by the New York Jets and yes his name begins with that dreaded alphabet…”M”. Nothing dreaded about the Just For Fun Picks…so lets bring it.
Atlanta 2.5 ARIZONA
Indy even SAN DIEGO
RAVENS 3 Miami
PHILLY 3 Minnesota
Have a happy and safe New Year. P.S. Happy Birthday Otto/Dad (on New Years Eve)...with love, Jodie, Nicole & Aaron.
By o.b.
Done deal, the Detroit Lions have made history and now the fun and work begins. I do wish that all the fans and experts who want to lay blame, would take a page from the Japanese Philosophy which is to not dwell on the who did it but how to fix it better. How do the people in charge make the Lions better? I am kind of dark so it might be hard to see but I will talk and yell until I am blue in the face, “Do Not draft a quarterback with your first five picks!” People will and are telling the Lions that they need to draft that big name quarterback who will bring fans back to Ford Field. That was done with Joey Harrington and we know the history on that number one pick. Lay the bricks for the foundation on the New Detroit Lions with offense and defense linemen. Have a vent day at Ford Field where fans can come, buy food and libations as they yell how the Lions stink, the owner is a bum, Millen was a pimp, the personnel department, scouts and all coaches should be placed in a automobile crusher. There could be pictures up of Bill Ford and members of the Detroit Lions and for a dollar a throw, fans could thrown foam bricks at the pictures. Fans could kick stuff/ foamy footballs, for a dollar to help release pent-up frustration. The Lions can have an open mike so all comedians can crack jokes on the Lions and their season. After this venting session is over have a priest to come in to do an exorcism and then have religious leaders of every denomination cone forward to lead the fans in prayer for orgiveness and a new successful era for the Detroit Lions. The bottom-line is that the Lions need a PLAN, implemented by wise, intelligent and good vision football people. I have no issues with keeping personnel who know all the things that the Lions did that didn’t work, which means they can advise others on what not to do. The Detroit Lions going 0-16 is not a major catastrophe or State of Michigan tragedy; it’s just a losing season like 11 other teams. Yes football history majors can write terms and research papers as well as novels about this 0-16 season but other than this season of woe anything else is a frustration boat being towed. Fans need to focus on the big picture on who shall lead the Lions out of this pit which is located deep in the forest of gloom & doom. Life will go on and the sun shall rise in the morning for the Detroit Lions. One needs to believe and have faith in the good and positive. If you take time to reflect, remember that is was only a couple of years ago when fans and experts were saying the same cruel jokes and statements about the Detroit Tigers. Yes, take a look at the Tigers now. This took place after they obtain intelligent baseball people to lead the Tiger Organization and implement their plan of attack. I have faith that since the Detroit Lions have fallen as low as a team can go that they now will say “enough is enough”; its time for us to put some teeth marks on teams. Sounds like a fairy tale but I’m guilty of clicking my heels three times, saying I believe, putting my tooth under my pillow and writing Santa the Claus, so bring on the smiles but I see some light. Oh, just in case you wonder if I think outside the box, my next choice for the Lions’ head coach would be a gentlemen who just got fired by the New York Jets and yes his name begins with that dreaded alphabet…”M”. Nothing dreaded about the Just For Fun Picks…so lets bring it.
Atlanta 2.5 ARIZONA
Indy even SAN DIEGO
RAVENS 3 Miami
PHILLY 3 Minnesota
Have a happy and safe New Year. P.S. Happy Birthday Otto/Dad (on New Years Eve)...with love, Jodie, Nicole & Aaron.
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