Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mr. Abraham Lincoln

Adult's Walk
The Grand Rapids Times
By Marcel Gamble

Throughout the entire week I have found Mr. Abraham Lincoln outside of church, con¬venient stores, my house, and various other locations.
I begin to wonder why a state that is in such a recession isn’t hesitant about throwing away money.
Mr. Abe Lincoln is on the ground when people are filing for bankruptcy on a daily bases.
Mr. Abe Lincoln is on the ground when churches are struggling to find funding to keep their facilities running.
Souls aren’t able to be saved; people are losing the game called life to their component the devil because Mr. Abe is on the ground.
There are individuals who say that they are unable to pay their tithes to the church, but Mr. Abe remains on the ground.
It’s evident that some people clearly have given up on the smaller things in life.
Since people realize that the penny lacks value, they throw it on the ground.
Well, there are other things in life that are being treated just like Mr. Abe Lincoln.
Whatever happened to the value of a relationship between God and a human being?
Unfortunately, I am one of the individuals guilty of treating the relationship that should be valued the most like it’s worth a penny.
I ask myself why am I still a single man, and then I look around me and notice divorces happening left and right.
Marriage isn’t sacred any¬more. We might as well label it Abe Lincoln.
Everywhere I turn my head – to the television, radio, and internet – women are labeled as everything but women.
Some women are respond¬ing to the derogatory terms. It makes me wonder whether there are anymore real women left in the world.
I think Abe Lincoln when I drive through some of my neighboring inner city streets.
However, sometimes I think Benjamin Franklin as well.
I thank everyone who is making the effort to get Abe off of the ground.
I notice Abe on the ground so much that I’m willing to label myself as a hypocrite in some situations.
I see Abe when I plug in my Ipod every morning on my way to work.
I want to pick him up but the lyrics and repetitive beats are just too attractive to my ears.
I see Abe every time I see an attractive woman; but my eyes are too busy sinning that I can’t focus to reach down and get him off the ground.
I see Abe when I get angry and begin to swear; but the words are so appropriate for my mood that I just ignore that he is even on the ground.
We need to begin to place a value on the smaller things in life and learn how to respect them just as we respect the things we value the most.
As long as Abraham Lincoln stays on the ground, this state will continue to be in a reces¬sion.
I don’t want to see anymore Abe Lincoln’s on the ground; I wish to see him valued high.
Relationships with God shouldn’t be forced; people should long for them and be grateful to have such opportu¬nities.
God spent His time creating woman, so women should be respected I want to see them treated like queens.
Ladies respect also should go both ways so stop treating your significant others like Abe Lincoln, get them off the ground.
I don’t want to see Abe on the ground outside of stores, my house, or my church anymore.
I want to see Abraham Lin¬coln in the pockets of every individual that values the smaller things in life.
Make sure you take the time out this week to walk and pick up Mr. Abraham Lincoln.
Email me at marcelgamble@ and let me know if you respect the smaller things in life.
One for the week: Genesis 41:40 “You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you.”
Respect goes a long way, even if someone is giving it to the smaller things in life.

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