Friday, April 11, 2008

Teens Talk - The World That Preaches To Me

I waited patiently for the world to give me insight and perspective
From this world I have felt neglected and disrespected
Anxiously I wait to see
The day that this world will openly preach to me
This world needs to preach to me
A world that is quick to give me blankets when I am cold
And medical aide when I am old
This world makes me feel powerful
So sometimes I say things to be bold
This world that is mine encourages me to cry
And then turns its back on me
As enormous tears spout from my eyes
My world doesn’t preach to me
My world gives me ways to worship
And religious opportunities
It opens up church doors
There is no path provided
My world expects me to know that I should just follow the Lord
Even if my mind is divided
My world helps me believe
Not once has it ever helped me retain a spiritual high
My world equips me with necessities to get by
Except for salvation before I die
My world is remarkable
I will love my world forever
But God is what my heart truly endeavors

One rule that I absolutely had no choice but to follow as a child is still one that I constantly hear today. “Boy you better not leave, this house looking crazy.” I repeatedly heard this comment from my mother, grandmother and aunties. I heard it so much that eventually my appearance became important to me. I began to realize that my outer appearance to others was a reflection of who I was on the inside. If I were on a mission to attract women I would put on a nice button up and my expensive sneakers. If were on a mission to get a job and impress an employer, I would put on a nice solid colored suit. If I were on a mission to do manual labor and work extremely hard I would put on some dirty torn clothes. What attire do you wear before you come to God? Before you come to God it is okay to press the wrinkles out of your shirt but leave the wrinkles in your life. Come to Him as you are. Most individuals do not understand that when God says come to Him as you are He is referring to your inside not your outward appearance. The world gives people churches to come to and Christians to aide others on their journey once they find a church. The world does not provide pathways for people to get from where they are to living a life with God. Just like you may have and iron it’s up to your mom to teach you how to use it. The world can’t provide people with pathways to God because that is not the world’s job. It is the Lord’s job to press the wrinkles out of your life and bring you closer to him. Unlike your outer appearance your inner appearance does not reflect what kind of person you are when you are giving your life over to God. So remember don’t leave the house looking crazy when it comes to how you look on the outside but let God manage your appearance when it comes to your inside. Don’t go to therapy with the expectation to get the wrinkles out of your life; go to God because that is His job. Don’t go to fortune tellers expecting them to tell you that all of the wrinkles are going to be out of you life in the future, just go to God. God created all of us and he allows wrinkles to be inside of us for a reason so go to Him and ask Him why. Proverbs 4:10-12 10 Listen, my son, accept what I say, and the years of your life will be many. 11 I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. 12 When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble.

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