Friday, April 18, 2008

Teens Talk - Prom Night

The Grand Rapids Times
April 18, 2008

Each year, high schools have the party of all parties, the Junior and Senior prom.
The Junior and Senior prom to some individuals is a night of smiles and fun.

To others, the prom is a night filled with memories that no one would ever want to forget.

Depending on student’s actions, prom can be the best time of their life, and it also can be a time that they never wish to remember.

When alcohol is involved, prom has the potential to change in to a nightmare.

When someone has a lack of respect towards their prom date it can become a belittling party.

Prom is the last major high school dance, and every student that attends has the right to enjoy it.

Guys, on this night the ladies will be beautiful; treat them with respect, like young women and not sex objects.

Ladies, respect yourselves enough to not let anyone take advantage of you just because it is prom night.

To everyone that has prom coming up shortly, just remember that it still can be a night that will never be forgotten even when you hold on to God’s principles and respect yourself.

Respect yourself. Don’t get behind the wheel after prom if you have been drinking because prom night could be your last night on earth.

Respect yourself. Don’t get a hotel room just because you see your friends doing it.

Respect yourself. Don’t be mischievous and terrorize the neighborhood after prom just because your friends.

Just because prom is supposed to be a memory that you will never forget doesn’t mean that it has to be the worst time in your life because of your actions.

Email me at and let me know how you plan on spending your prom night.
I’m going to leave yah with this, Romans 16:19: “Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I am full of joy over you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil. ’

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