Friday, April 25, 2008
Obama for President
Teen's Talk - Time to Dry Off
April 25, 2008
Teens Talk
By Marcel Gamble
Learning how to swim was a challenge that I wasn’t enthused about as a child. Every time my family went out on the lake my brothers and sisters swam while I sat in the boat and watched.
Eventually, my days of sitting on the boat came to an end when my dad became impatient with teaching me how to swim and he threw me off the boat. As I was struggling and panicking in the water, I realized that it was up to me to get back to the boat where I knew I would be safe.
I wanted to get back to safety so badly that I was touching the back of the boat before I realized I was actually swimming on my own.
As I near graduation I have come to view the world as an enormous lake and all of us are like beginning swimmers. When we get thrown into the world it is up to us to either learn how to swim, set goals and work to achieve them, drown, or throw in the towel and fail. If someone wants something bad enough, like I wanted safety the day I learned how to swim, a person will “swim” and work to succeed.
As a child I drowned continuously due to my bad choices, but now I swim with my head above water because I have learned to make wise decisions.
This week I would like to thank my parents, Bill and Oscatte Hendler for throwing me into the lake and teaching me how to swim. You have made me devote endless hours to scholarships, my school work and because of this I have made it to the next step in life, graduating from high school.
It’s not time for me to dry off now I am still swimming on my way to college.
This week I would like to especially thank Jamila Goldsmith, Aarie Wade, Jerri Ann Wade, Autumn Smith and the entire Martha Chapter No.1, P.H.A. You have all thrown me out into the lake and introduced me to the world of modeling.
I want to thank you all for your patience, time and generous scholarship. The modeling experience has given me confidence to try new things and it’s because of you that I am able to swim with my head above water.
There is no towel needed because I am going to continue to swim.
I’m going to leave you all with this, Isaiah 25:9; “In this day they will say, surely this is our God; we trusted in him; and He saved us.”
Friday, April 18, 2008
Teens Talk - Prom Night
April 18, 2008
Each year, high schools have the party of all parties, the Junior and Senior prom.
The Junior and Senior prom to some individuals is a night of smiles and fun.
To others, the prom is a night filled with memories that no one would ever want to forget.
Depending on student’s actions, prom can be the best time of their life, and it also can be a time that they never wish to remember.
When alcohol is involved, prom has the potential to change in to a nightmare.
When someone has a lack of respect towards their prom date it can become a belittling party.
Prom is the last major high school dance, and every student that attends has the right to enjoy it.
Guys, on this night the ladies will be beautiful; treat them with respect, like young women and not sex objects.
Ladies, respect yourselves enough to not let anyone take advantage of you just because it is prom night.
To everyone that has prom coming up shortly, just remember that it still can be a night that will never be forgotten even when you hold on to God’s principles and respect yourself.
Respect yourself. Don’t get behind the wheel after prom if you have been drinking because prom night could be your last night on earth.
Respect yourself. Don’t get a hotel room just because you see your friends doing it.
Respect yourself. Don’t be mischievous and terrorize the neighborhood after prom just because your friends.
Just because prom is supposed to be a memory that you will never forget doesn’t mean that it has to be the worst time in your life because of your actions.
Email me at and let me know how you plan on spending your prom night.
I’m going to leave yah with this, Romans 16:19: “Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I am full of joy over you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil. ’
Friday, April 11, 2008
What are your thoughts about this?
Grand Rapids Times
April 11,2008
In the March 28, 2008 issue, The Grand Rapids Times reported that the Kent County Black Elected Officials are hosting a Town Hall Meeting, Thursday, April 10, at 7:30 p.m. at Gerald R. Ford Middle School, 857 Madison Ave. SE.
The writer stated, “Everyone is invited to attend.”
During the past 30 years we, as a nation, have said that our society is unique among the nations of the world because of the diversity of our population. Because of the diversity of our population we are able to solve problems using the strength of many personal experiences and philosophical histories.
If this “Town Hall Meeting” were called by only “white elected officials” and run by only lighter skin people of mostly European ancestry, the darker skin people of mostly African ancestry in our community would complain, using many descriptions and accusations, saying that their participation is needed to allow any community planning to be socially, politically, and culturally complete.
In reality, the meeting is being called to discuss problems that plague a very defined area of our city. That geographical area is made up of a very diverse population that is not represented on the platform at the “Town Hall Meeting”.
Please think about these things.
Teens Talk - The World That Preaches To Me
One rule that I absolutely had no choice but to follow as a child is still one that I constantly hear today. “Boy you better not leave, this house looking crazy.” I repeatedly heard this comment from my mother, grandmother and aunties. I heard it so much that eventually my appearance became important to me. I began to realize that my outer appearance to others was a reflection of who I was on the inside. If I were on a mission to attract women I would put on a nice button up and my expensive sneakers. If were on a mission to get a job and impress an employer, I would put on a nice solid colored suit. If I were on a mission to do manual labor and work extremely hard I would put on some dirty torn clothes. What attire do you wear before you come to God? Before you come to God it is okay to press the wrinkles out of your shirt but leave the wrinkles in your life. Come to Him as you are. Most individuals do not understand that when God says come to Him as you are He is referring to your inside not your outward appearance. The world gives people churches to come to and Christians to aide others on their journey once they find a church. The world does not provide pathways for people to get from where they are to living a life with God. Just like you may have and iron it’s up to your mom to teach you how to use it. The world can’t provide people with pathways to God because that is not the world’s job. It is the Lord’s job to press the wrinkles out of your life and bring you closer to him. Unlike your outer appearance your inner appearance does not reflect what kind of person you are when you are giving your life over to God. So remember don’t leave the house looking crazy when it comes to how you look on the outside but let God manage your appearance when it comes to your inside. Don’t go to therapy with the expectation to get the wrinkles out of your life; go to God because that is His job. Don’t go to fortune tellers expecting them to tell you that all of the wrinkles are going to be out of you life in the future, just go to God. God created all of us and he allows wrinkles to be inside of us for a reason so go to Him and ask Him why. Proverbs 4:10-12 10 Listen, my son, accept what I say, and the years of your life will be many. 11 I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. 12 When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Teens Talk - Never Raise A Cup Again
The Grand Rapids Times
April 4, 2008
Teens TalkBy Marcel Gamble
Grand Rapids Times Columnist
Each year this killer takes more than 100,000 lives according to, somebody please get this killer off of the streets. For years, this killer has had the power to control and corrupt the minds of others. I despise this killer because it has and continues to attempt to take the lives of individuals that are very close to me. Somebody needs to lock this convict up and throw away the key. Not only does this killer make an effort to take lives, but it also makes it a personal goal to effect the lives of those that are loved ones of its victims. Each year 708,000 people are injured in car crashes; 74,000 of the people involved face serious injuries. There are 2,000 people that are unexpectedly affected daily by the killer – the oppressor that lies within a bottle and that is known as alcohol. It is because of a devastating event that occurred this past weekend that I will never raise a cup again. Six-year-old Andy Nguyen’s life was taken this past Saturday because a 29-year-old man decided to raise a cup before getting behind the wheel of a car. Somebody get this killer off of the streets; it is taking the lives of innocent people. My prayers are with the Nguyen family. Just because of a man who clearly had no consideration for anyone else’s safety, others have to suffer. Phi Kim Vo my classmate, an 18-year-old who I see every morning with a smile on her face didn’t deserve to be placed in the hospital in critical condition because somebody chose to raise a cup before getting behind the wheel of a car. Kim, I will keep you in my prayers day and night. I know that you are going to be okay. God has told me so. Keep your head up, Kim. To the Nguyen family, I know that I cannot experience the pain that you are felling right now; but I want you all to know that I am going to stand up and influence people not to drink alcohol if they have an intention to drive. The thought of raising a cup makes me sick to my stomach. It brings upon melancholy thoughts. In tribute to the Nguyen family I will never raise a cup in my life again, and I will encourage others to do the same. I’m going to leave you all with this, Job 16:5?But my mouth would encourage you; comfort from my lips would bring you relief I will continue to pray for all of those who choose to raise up a cup before getting behind the wheel of a car.