Friday, February 15, 2008

Teens Talk - Are You Hungry?

I know that I am hungry all of the time. Sometimes I am hungry for a steak dinner drenched in A1 steak sauce. Sometimes I am hungry for White Castle’s famous little cheese burgers. To tell you all the truth, I rather have a home cooked meal over fast food any day. Everyone knows that there is nothing like a good home cooked meal cooked by grandma or mama. Everyone knows that they can’t resist candy yams, collard greens, and peach cobbler when Grandma puts her foot in it. Most people just eat fast food because its easy access; no energy or time has to be put in preparing a meal. Life is the same way, a challenging life is when God puts his foot in and encourages you to follow him to a home cooked meal. An easy life is fast food, easy access to everything with no challenge. Just like fast food restaurants attack you with greasy food and salty foods, an easy life attacks you with quick answers and horrible consequences.How bad do you want to accomplish your goals in life? In order to want home made meals in life you must want to achieve your goals badly. A person has to be willing to allow God to put his foot in their life and they have to be willing to follow him in order to get to a home cooked meal. Micah 6:8; What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. The home cooked meal that God has prepared for all of us, certainly is better than any fast food meal. It all goes back to the question are you hungry? A person isn’t hungry if they don’t have the patience to wait for the home cooked meal from God. A person isn’t hungry if they continue to eat fast food day after day. The home cooked meal that we should all wait for is just like anything else in life; money, women, men, we should never take the quick route to get to our wants in life. When we don’t train ourselves to wait for the good that God wants to incorporate in our lives, then we always end up getting the nasty from the bad that the devil chooses to place in our lives. Blog with me, and let me know about the good God put in your life for you waiting on the home cooked meal. I’m going to leave ya’ll with this; 1 John 2:6, Whoever claims to live in God must walk as Jesus did.


Anonymous said...

God has placed many good things in my life by just being patience, obedient, and faithful in pray. It is very hard sometimes to wait out the storms of troubles but God is always there with the answer before you fall to hard. Sometimes depending on the situation we need to hit rock bottom before the Lord comes to our rescue so that we learn never to rebel again. Some of the time we create our own troubles by not obeying the Lord’s word and remaining in constant study of the bible.

Keep it coming Marcel, God is using you. I am praying for you, as a young man with this gift to use it probably.

Anonymous said...

Are you hungry? As teens, we really need to take the time to really think about if we are hungry are not? We think about so many other things that we think that are important and there aren't. Your right Marcel, we need to get it together. I see so many of my classmates just playing arounding and not taking life seriously. Thank you for keeping us focused.
