Saturday, February 2, 2008

Teens Talk - A Giant In My Eyes

A giant is someone who does good for others without wanting recognition or praise from others.
A giant doesn’t boast of his or her accomplishments.
A giant serves others with God being their guidance.
What makes a person a giant?
Does a giant have to strive to seek justice in their community like Leontyne “Tina” Partee (Posthumously)? God bless her soul.
Should a giant provide service to the public such as Dareather Greer?
Do giants have to aide others by serving them medically like the West Michigan Medical Society?
Should a giant become more like Yvonne L. Mathis and serve others as a humanitarian?
Maybe a giant should concern themselves with the humanities of her community like Cassonya Carter Pugh.
Should a giant incorporate and encourage business in his community like Jimmy L. Taylor Sr.?
Does a giant have to become active in bettering a community like Vanessa Greene?
Is a giant considered a giant if they are a trailblazer like Wesley Jones?
What makes a person a giant?
Should a giant serve his community like Reverend Chico Daniels?
Do giants have to live religious lives such as the Grand Rapids Urban Young Life and Reverend Zannie M. Mitchell?
Should a giant become a community educator such as Dr. Randal Maurice Jelks?
Should a giant work endlessly for his community like Bennette Gay?
Should a giant be the giant of all giants like Don Williams Sr.?
What makes a person a giant?
So many people including myself don’t realize when we have giants in our lives.
There has been one giant in my life that has shown me what life would be like in the future if I stay on track with my education.
The giant in my life has given me wisdom and has motivated me to believe that I can achieve anything I put my mind to.
The giant in my life has guided me down a road I never would have imagined driving down.
We all have giants in our lives and as teens I know we don’t try to intentionally but sometimes we cause our giants and mentors to exit out of lives through the things that we say or through our actions.
We have to remember the giants now are preparing us to take their places in the future.
Proverbs 11:14
For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure.
The giants of today make it possible for us younger people to live successful and productive lives.
Thank you, Dr. Patricia Pulliam for taking the time out to be my giant.
Thank you for helping me develop the skills that I will need to take someone under my arm one day and be their giant.
Thank you for never telling me your complete life story and for only giving me bits and pieces of the many accomplishments of your life.
You have kept me intrigued to find out through my own life what a giant truly is.
Thank you Dr. Pulliam, when were you going to ever tell me that you wrote a book?

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