Friday, April 4, 2008

Teens Talk - Never Raise A Cup Again

The Grand Rapids Times
April 4, 2008

Teens TalkBy Marcel Gamble
Grand Rapids Times Columnist

Each year this killer takes more than 100,000 lives according to, somebody please get this killer off of the streets. For years, this killer has had the power to control and corrupt the minds of others. I despise this killer because it has and continues to attempt to take the lives of individuals that are very close to me. Somebody needs to lock this convict up and throw away the key. Not only does this killer make an effort to take lives, but it also makes it a personal goal to effect the lives of those that are loved ones of its victims. Each year 708,000 people are injured in car crashes; 74,000 of the people involved face serious injuries. There are 2,000 people that are unexpectedly affected daily by the killer – the oppressor that lies within a bottle and that is known as alcohol. It is because of a devastating event that occurred this past weekend that I will never raise a cup again. Six-year-old Andy Nguyen’s life was taken this past Saturday because a 29-year-old man decided to raise a cup before getting behind the wheel of a car. Somebody get this killer off of the streets; it is taking the lives of innocent people. My prayers are with the Nguyen family. Just because of a man who clearly had no consideration for anyone else’s safety, others have to suffer. Phi Kim Vo my classmate, an 18-year-old who I see every morning with a smile on her face didn’t deserve to be placed in the hospital in critical condition because somebody chose to raise a cup before getting behind the wheel of a car. Kim, I will keep you in my prayers day and night. I know that you are going to be okay. God has told me so. Keep your head up, Kim. To the Nguyen family, I know that I cannot experience the pain that you are felling right now; but I want you all to know that I am going to stand up and influence people not to drink alcohol if they have an intention to drive. The thought of raising a cup makes me sick to my stomach. It brings upon melancholy thoughts. In tribute to the Nguyen family I will never raise a cup in my life again, and I will encourage others to do the same. I’m going to leave you all with this, Job 16:5?But my mouth would encourage you; comfort from my lips would bring you relief I will continue to pray for all of those who choose to raise up a cup before getting behind the wheel of a car.

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