Friday, March 14, 2008

Teens Talk - What Have You Done?

What have you done for your community is the question? Well, personally I can say that I have done a lot for my community but is that really true? What my community has done for me is what matters. Since I like to be real with my readers, I’m going to tell you the negative and the positive things that my community has done for me. Others may call my community a ghetto, but I call it home. Home is where I was transformed from a little boy into a Christian man that walks with God. I want to applaud my community for its support, the inner city of Grand Rapids. Home is where I was introduced to the gang life, which has encouraged me through consequences, that I faced to begin my walk with God. Because of my community I learned immediately that the gang life wasn’t for me. I applaud my community for helping me take control of the decisions that I made in life. I’m not going anywhere. I love my home. Some people do not realize that God places us in our surroundings for a reason. Everyone is on different levels with their relationships with God. Some individuals like myself need to be placed in ruff environments in order to see that a relationship with God is very important. Some people need to see, including myself, that all people learn differently. You can tell certain people not to do things and they won’t do it, but there are other people who have to learn the hard way and find out for themselves. Growing up I was an individual that had to learn the hard way. Joshua 22:18 “Are you now turning away from the LORD? If you rebel against the LORD today, tomorrow he will be angry with the whole community.” God did not just put me in my surroundings for me to learn. He put me in my community so that I can teach others the same thing that he has taught me. Remember you might not like your homes, but know that God has reason for you to be living where you are. Don’t be quick to judge your communities. Try and take the time out and applaud them. I’m going to leave you all with these words of wisdom, “You can go very far in life but never forget where you came from.”

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