Friday, November 26, 2010

Give Thanks To The Fullest

I’m a nerd when it comes to movies.

I were to count all of the movies that I have seen in my entire life, I would probably have a library that easily reaches over a million.

Recently, I saw “Darfur.”

Seeing this movie and thinking about Thanksgiving, I immediately was blessed with the thought of giving thanks to the fullest.

I’m not going to be an advocate for bad film critiques, but I will tell you that we should all feel blessed.

Waking up every morning praying for the safety of our lives is not something that we are forced to endure on a daily basis.

We are not having our babies snatched from our arms and brutally murdered in front of our eyes.

Men, we don’t have to sit helpless and watch our women get rapped multiple times.

Women you aren’t being forced to watch your men die horrific deaths by being set on fire.

People, we can give thanks to the fullest.

We aren’t forced to watch our kids being butchered as limb after limb is amputated from their bodies.

People, I am guilty of this as well; so my intention is not to single others out – truthfully, we all have no reason to not have the capability to give thanks to the fullest this thanksgiving.

I’m not saying that our that none of our issues should be viewed as not being problematic; I’m saying that many things that we see as being issues are very minor.

We experience financial difficulties, and we allow that to stop us from giving thanks.

We lose our jobs and we allow our world to crumble around us.

Why are we constantly influenced by this failing mindset?

I want everyone to see Darfur because after I saw it I felt ashamed for those everyday complaints that I make.

We aren’t missing legs and left without transportation and forced to find ways to get our children to school every morning.

We don’t have to hide the fact that we are receiving an education.

People we need to give thanks to the fullest.

Don’t get angry if your family can’t afford the expensive turkey this year; be happy with the other food that you are blessed with.

Don’t be upset because you have to spend time with family members that you don’t like; others don’t have family members to spend thanksgiving with.

My heart goes out to all people that have real problems and still find the strength to give thanks to the fullest.

This thanksgiving, we all need to think about what is stopping us from giving thanks and eliminate it.

One for the week: Sing to the LORD with grateful praise; make music to our God on the harp. Psalm 147:7

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