The Grand Rapids Times
Millions of architects strive to create multiplicity by constructing blue prints that are unique to their character. They begin blueprints, they erase blue prints, until they have what they believe is the blue print of all blue prints.
One architect that doesn’t have to revert back to the drawing board is God.
With His first try, God creates an impeccable blueprint that is like no other.
His main focus was multiplicity when He created all of us because He created all of us to be different.
As His unique creations we have the tendency of allowing others to have the right to judge us; but why?
We were created by the greatest architect of all time.
Since this is the case, why do we allow others the power to chase us back to our blueprints; when all we need to do is confront our architect?
Some of us suffer from drug addictions and we allow others the right to reject us; but why?
These individuals aren’t the architect that created us.
Some of us have problems with premarital sex and we let others call our sins unforgivable; but why?
It wasn’t their blueprint that created us.
We seem to forget periodically that we all sin and God gave His one and only son to forgive us of our sins; so He has the final say if our blueprints are beyond salvageable.
We can’t live life trying to impress others we have to live life for ourselves.
We have to get ourselves together and stop allowing others play the part of being our architect.
One for the week: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 (New International Version)
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