The Grand Rapids Times
People do it everyday; they throw away old things for multiple reasons and then rush to purchase new items.
Some believe that new things will take all of their problems away.
I’m going to get a new car because my old car is beat up; it’s beginning to rust, and the paint is chipping on the side.
I need a new house because my friends aren’t as impressed as I want them to be when they visit my home.
I need a new wife because my current wife knows how to use the microwave, but she doesn’t know how to cook. I’m going to look for a new husband because my husband doesn’t know how to repair anything.
We all have the tendency to forget that with new belongings sometimes come negative outcomes.
We all want to throw our old possessions in the trash with no hesitation.
Some of us believe that something being new will handle our problem; unfortunately, sometimes that’s not the case.
We should work with the old, and turn trash into treasure.
Yes, I can buy a new car with a brand new paint job; but I have to realize that in a few years the paint on the new car will chip and it will become the old.
Yes, I can purchase a new house to impress my friends; but what happens when they build one right next to me that they are more impressed with? Yes, I can trade my old wife in for a new wife that can cook; but happens when I become obese and unhealthy from eating all of the time?
Of course, ladies, you can trade your husband in for a handyman; but what will happen when he tries to repair things that he knows nothing about?
Things that we all want to kick to the curb are things that we should sometimes hold on to.
Good doesn’t always come with upgrades.
We have to learn how to turn our trash into treasure.
I originally wrote this article because it seems that many people aren’t taking marriage seriously.
Marriage is a lifetime commitment; it’s not something a person just gives up on when they are tired.
Everyone has their downfalls; God made no one perfect.
Sometimes it can be nerve racking but it can be better to put up with the small things that you don’t like about your spouse rather than getting a new spouse that doesn’t respect you at all.
We all have to work on turning what we call trash into treasure.
One for the week: “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24
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