Monday, August 18, 2008

Teens Talk - The Three Meals That You Need

The Grand Rapids Time

Most people understand that in order to get through a day you need three nutritious meals for your body. After you wake up in the morning to get your mind stimulated and your limbs operating you need breakfast.

In the middle of the day when you feel stressed and burned out, you need lunch to help you function.

Finally at night before you go to sleep you need dinner to keep your body content until the next day.

Many of us are not healthy. Why?

We are not healthy because we are not eating three meals a day; some of us are skipping meals and some of us are just grabbing snacks. Individuals grab snacks because they say that they don’t have time to prepare a meal. People skip meals because they claim they are too busy to eat.

If millions of people are just grabbing snacks then how are we getting fed? We can’t get fed if we don’t thank God for life each morning when we wake up; we’re skipping breakfast.

We definitely can’t get fed if we don’t take time out of our busy days to praise God for allowing us to achieve what we achieve; we’re not eating lunch.

Before we close our eyes at night if we aren’t telling God of our worries and joys then we are skipping out on dinner.

There is no doubt that we are becoming unhealthy. We need to get fed and it’s up to us to take the time out to eat.

If we choose not to eat, where would the strength come from that we need to fight off temptation? We should take the time out to think about getting fed, because if we are not getting fed spiritually by God, then where else is our food coming from?

No matter your age or what type of relationship you have with God, everyone should be getting three meals a day.

I’m going to leave you all with this: “He who scorns instruction will pay for it, but he who respects a command is rewarded.” (Proverbs 13:13)

Marcel Gamble graduated from Kelloggsville High School.

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