We are approaching a New Year, so pack your belongings because it’s time to take a road trip.
Before we began our journey, we must give the car a complete tune-up. The oil has to be changed; the mileage must be checked; and all the components of the car have to be tested to see if they are operating appropriately.
We are now ready for our road trip. Not quite, we are forgetting one thing. The car has to be filled up with gas in order for us to take off.
There is a problem. The car is already filled with unleaded gas that we put in before the New Year, but we want to fill the car with premium gas. This dilemma is keeping us from taking our trip into the New Year.
The only way to put the premium gas in the car is to overfill the car with more gas.
Now, we cannot enter the New Year. We must stay in the past with our overfilled cars and endure Double “07”.
From the great words of Reverend Howard Earle, Jr., my senior pastor and mentor at New Hope Baptist Church, “Don’t bring the past into the future with you, because you’ll be carrying nothing but baggage.”
Our cars that are overfilled with gas resemble our lives when we don’t let go of the past and carry it with us into the future. We must drive out our past to put our cars back on empty before we can refill them.
When you give your life to Christ, all of your sins are forgiven. Meaning before we can enter into the New Year we must leave all ofthe drama of “07” behind us.
Proverbs 5:21; “the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord.”
God already knows of your sins of 2007 and he will forgive as soon as you give your life over to him, so it is time to take that road trip.
2 Corinthians 5:17; “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old has gone the new has come!”
If you brought damage to God’s image, your body, in 2007, well, it’s time to empty the gas tank and roll into a New Year.If you didn’t practice abstinence in 2007, well, it’s a New Year; let’s take this road trip.
If you haven’t gone to church this year, well, it’s time to find a church family; let’s take the road trip.
If you haven’t respected your elders this year, well, check your attitude; we are going to take this road trip. Strap on your seat belts because together we are rolling into the New Year.
If you smoked some weed or did an illegal drug just the other day, dude, get off your high because together we are rolling into the New Year.
If you have dropped out of school, don’t give up; go get a GED, there is still a college education before you. Get it together because we are going on a road trip.
Your teenage boyfriend beat up on you? It’s time to stop hiding the bruises; drop the zero and find you a hero in Christ. Seek help; nobody’s going to be left behind. We are going on a road trip. If in 2007, your teen parenting skills were off, well in 2008 we are going to learn how to be a parent under God’s watch. We are going on a road trip.
If you are a teen and an addition of a “gift”, not a burden of a new born baby has become a part of your life That’s alright. We can’t change the events that happened in 2007; and we don’t want to relive a double “07”, so strap the newborn in a car seat and let’s get to rolling. We are going on a road trip.
This week everyone in the world needs to hop in their cars and go for a drive until their tanks are empty; and then head to the nearest gas station to refill so that they can take this road trip into the New Year.In other words, before we can all enter into the New Year we must find church families to help us get rid of the baggage of 2007, in order to fill our lives with the gas of God’s word. We must also equip ourselves with the fuel of the Bible as the road map.
As in the words of Pastor Howard Earle, “Teens don’t forget your Bibles.” You never know when you are going to get lost on your road trip.Everyone, we need to get it together because it is time to take this road trip.
Friday, January 11, 2008
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Marcel, I thank you for your inspirational but firm words of wisdom to teen mothers and fathers. " If you are a teen and an addition of a "gift", not a burden of a new born baby has become a part of your life that's alright. We can't change the events that happened in 2007; and we don't want to relive a double "07", so strap the newborn in a car seat and let's get to rolling.
Marcel, it is clear after reading your statements that any child should be raised in the house of the LORD. I am a teenage parent and I thought that I needed to stop attending church because I had sinned, and now I know after reading your column that the only way that I can raise my son right is to go back to church and have him raised in church. I want to thank you for your guidance.
Are you a teenparent? If not how can you write about issues that relate so closely to me and my friends and not have them happen to you?
Dear teenparent, I want to thank you for your generous words of gratitude. I did not realize that my writing has been influencing others to get back in church and continue their journey with God. Personally no I am not a teen parent but My mother was, and some of my freinds and cousin currently are. Its only through mine and others experiences that I am able to reach out to all generations. Keep you and your child within God's reach and He will provide you your needs. Always remember everyone is on diffrent levels with their walk in christ; ayo and thats o.k. We have to keep our heads up and push on in to the future together.
"The voice of a new generation"
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