People crack jokes about individuals who are overweight; but, in all reality, many of people in the U.S. are overweight and just don’t realize it.
Unfortunately, a majority of us face obesity because we aren’t active and we eat over our daily portions.
As an American citizen myself, I believe it’s safe to say that many Americans shift their attention on so much other worldly issues that we have the tendency of forgetting about the importance of our health.
Society doesn’t seem to help this issue. Instead, many communities should be at fault for the increasing number of obesity victims each year.
In my community alone, there are 5 fast food restaurants that are within less of a 5 - mile radius from each other.
I have noticed that this is only the case in inner city neighborhoods.
The fact that many fast food restaurants are placed within inner city communities should raise questions about what statements are being made.
What demographic of people and what social classes are fast food chain restaurants targeting?
Are a majority of the fast food restaurants placed in the inner city because inner city residents don’t manage their money well when it comes to fast food?
Are fast food restaurants placed in the inner city communities because people in the inner city are attracted to and love fat and greasy foods?
Whatever the case may be, we can’t be blind to the fact that obesity is a growing epidemic.
We have to think about the amount of calories we are consuming on a day - to - day basis when we visit McDonald’s and Burger King frequently.
We have to hold ourselves accountable for having appropriate diets to maintain our bodies’ health.
Sadly, we are killing ourselves and we don’t even realize it.
We can’t sit on our front porches and let the days pass us by without some type of physical activity.
God gave us our bodies as gifts and we should take care of them.
One for the week - Psalm 16:9: Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.