Everyday all of us make decisions that we are pleased with and decisions that we regret.
Some of these decisions are minor; many of them are major with long lists of consequences.
For instance, if President Obama decides to go to war tomorrow with another country, we all would be potentially affected by his decision.
When making decisions, I believe that it’s important to remember that we not only have to look out and have discernment to protect ourselves; we also have to look out for others.
This week I want to inspire individuals throughout the inner city streets in which I live and have lived my entire life.
I want to direct my inner city peers into having the right perspectives when it comes to making decisions.
For example, why are some of us making the decisions to place so much money into buying new cars and purchasing cosmetic things for cars when our houses are in need of so much improvement?
Due to this decision, our children don’t have a safe environment to live in.
Why are many of us putting so much money towards designer clothing for our kids and not placing a dime into their education?
Due to this decision, our children are fly but they remain illiterate.
Why are some of us going out each weekend and throwing away so much money?
Due to this decision, our children are left with no college funds.
People we have to make the right decisions.
I’m not suggesting that we shouldn’t enjoy life.
I’m saying that we have to be mindful of others because the decisions we make affect them.
Words of wisdom for the week: Be wise in your decisions.