The Grand Rapids Times
A leech will take blood from an individual and not give anything in return.
There aren’t any mutual agreements between a leech and the person they prey on.
I see some people as leeches, minus the blood sucking aspect.
There are leeches in the world that hunt for innocent people who have a complicated time saying no.
I know how it feels to be attacked by a leech, because I used to be in the category of people who have a difficult time saying no.
I used to be that person that would allow others to make decisions for me with their persuasive words.
I used to be the one that would listen to the stories of the leeches and have sympathy for them all the time.
I was the victim that allowed leech after leech to drain me physically, mentally, and emotionally, until I would break down myself.
Weak people care how leeches feel, but forget that leeches care less about how they feel.
Leeches only look out for themselves and how they can benefit from the individuals that they prey on.
Since I recently decided to stop being the prey of people that constantly take and never give, I want to encourage others to do the same.
A person can detach a leech by simply saying no!
It is sometimes hard at first, but someone that always hears the word no is not going to keep coming back to someone that they can’t take from.
I understand that a lot of people were born with a heart that just naturally causes them to give.
I understand that there are people struggling in the world and people that really do need assistance to live.
All of the above are true; however, there are also leeches who pose as these people.
It’s sad, but a leech will tell you that they need a money loan for something important and then spend the money you lend them on partying and etc.
A leech will tell you that they are on the verge of losing their house but then turn around and buy a brand new car.
A leech would tell you that your significant other isn’t right for you and then give you all kind of reasons to why just because as a leech they don’t want to see you with that person.
Leeches will do just about anything to have things their way.
This week, I just wanted to encourage people who are currently prey to pull the leeches off of their bodies.
One for the week: Matthew 21:22 - “All things you ask for in prayer, you will receive if you have faith.”
I wonder if there would be so many leeches if many people knew this verse?